New Song

"Ethan," Baek Hyeon called when Ethan just opened his car door to get off.

Ethan is allowed to go home as long as he continues to fill the fluids in his body.

"Yes?" asked Ethan impatiently. 

By now they were finally in the parking lot of the apartment where he lived and he wanted to hurry up and see how the song would turn out considering there were only two hours left before the turn of the day.

Ethan was really worried about letting Yui do the tune. What if what Yui does is not up to his expectations?

Of course if that was the case, then he would have to change it back, but right now time was really chasing him especially since he had been in the hospital for quite a while now.

"Tomorrow you can come to the house, right?" Baek Hyeon asked quietly.

In the car, Ethan was silent and looked like he was thinking about something, so Baek Hyeon didn't ask him about it.