See The Snow

Mi Sun's eyebrows rose when she heard this. She glanced at Ethan worriedly.

"Did something happen? Are you okay?" asked Mi Sun.

Mi Sun is clearly worried about Ethan right now, from the new song Ethan sang at Christmas yesterday, Mi Sun immediately knew that something had happened. That Ethan's household seems to be in trouble. Actually, many people besides Mi Sun speculate that this is because Ethan's demeanor is really well conveyed.

As if that was Ethan's wish.

However, the concerns of these people immediately wavered when someone said that Ethan's singing ability when he was live streaming was indeed like that, they were sure even though it wasn't mentioned, the white cat was behind the camera and watching Ethan.

"Yes noona, I'm fine, please arrange later, okay! Noona doesn't need to worry for working overtime, noona can not accompany me," said Ethan with a smile.