New Manager

Mi Sun looks at Ethan with a curious look, can't wait to hear what Ethan might have to say.

As Mi Sun remembers nothing happened to Jiyong and So Hyun. Previously, Jiyong and So Hyun's debut had problems because suddenly the songwriter they had previously contacted had an accident so they couldn't make a debut album for the two of them.

Mi Sun initially thought it would be a very big problem because from the very beginning the ESC Entertainment project was to debut the two people, which Mi Sun had previously disapproved of if they had to debut both at the same time.

But in the end they have to follow Ethan's order just because he promised both of them will be debut if they passed the score.

When the songwriters for their debut album had an accident, of course it hindered ESC Entertainment's project to debut their two artists.

How can they debut both if they don't have a song to sing?