Oppa's Job

When the ,usic stopped, the crew really got confused.

"What is this? What happened? Why is it suddenly like this? We're broadcasting live!" one of the crew shouted when he found there was something wrong. He looked panicked, and didn't know what really happened.

Since it's being broadcast live, they can't tell Black and So Hyun to stop, or suddenly turn the camera towards the MC or change to a commercial break. 

The show would be a mess if they did! 

However, they didn't know what to do and just kept shooting at Black and So Hyun.

The audience in the chat room became very noisy when they saw the music suddenly stop, as well as the audience who watched live. 

The audience can be heard talking to each other and looking at So Hyun with pitying eyes for having to go through something like this even though this is just her debut performances