This Must Be An Edit!

Ha Joon is a little surprised when he sees Mi Sun talking to Ethan in the room. However, he chose to ignore it and went straight to the sofa in the room and waited.

Mi Sun, who realized someone had opened the door, turned around to see who dared to open the door without knocking, knowing who it was, she couldn't hide her disapproving expression.

"Looks like you're getting old, huh. Your manners are also lost because of your old age," said Mi Sun.

"Manners are needed for strangers, Ethan and I are not strangers anymore, we are like family," replied Ha Joon, who was now sitting back with his legs crossed. 

"Isn't that right, Ethan?" Ha Joon continued without letting Mi Sun reply to him first.

"Yes," replied Ethan.

Mi Sun widens her eyes when she hears Ethan's words, does the kid seriously consider this bastard as his family?