Little Princess

Carolina was sitting in her room, staring at the laptop that was there. Unlike before where her hands were in handcuffs, now the handcuffs have been removed because Carolina has helped them a lot. 

Since January, according to their agreement, Carolina helps provide information and evidence regarding the DoJ, the dangerous organization her father is currently in, to Interpol, then she begins to help track down the escaped fugitives and so far she has managed to catch one of them.

As her pregnancy progressed and her due date drew near, Carolina was no longer on duty and just resting in her room. There's not much Carolina can do while in her room other than eat, talk to her baby, and play online games. 

Like today, after she had lunch, Carolina spent the rest of her time playing online games before finally a call came in.

"It seems your appearance has changed a bit since the last time we met," said a man when she picked up a call.