Triple Crown

Ye Jin's expression immediately changed when she heard the words of the man in front of her. Her beautiful face that had looked annoyed, now became angry.

"I'll never do that again!" Ye Jin shouted as she got up from her seat.

Jun Seo sighed when he heard Ye Jin's scream. Luckily the room was soundproof so no matter how loud Ye Jin screamed, people outside wouldn't hear it.

The man then glared at Ye Jin sharply.

"So? Are you sure you can beat Nam Ethan this time? Your song isn't in first place anymore!" said Jun Seo coldly.

Ye Jin snorted when she heard that.

"Anyway I wouldn't do such a shameful thing! I know oppa is getting really desperate, but don't drag me along!" Ye Jin said coldly.

She then took the bag she had placed beside her and walked towards the exit door.

"You'll regret it if you leave this room, Ye Jin," Jun Seo said calmly, but his tone sounded threatening.

Ye Jin stopped where she was when she heard that.