Drama Script

Ethan, who had become a little more confident thanks to his victory, had to return to the fact that defeating Ye Jin was not at all easy.

On the next two music shows, Ye Jin's fans really tried hard to support their idol. After all, this is Ye Jin's comeback after several years of not releasing an album at all, they have to support their queen to get the triple crown. 

Their efforts finally paid off. Ye Jin won first place again so she immediately got her triple crown in both shows. 

Likewise, at the next M-Show show, Ye Jin once again defeated Ethan and got the triple crown. Ye Jin's victory on the show made Ye Jin's song no longer aired on music shows, causing Ye Jin to finally stop promoting her album.

Ye Jin's cessation made Ethan's rivals finally diminish. Although many idols have come back with their summer songs, Ethan easily got his win on the next two music shows.