Drama Script For Papa

Ethan looked at the elf girl character with a curious look, it was unusual for Yui to contact him first like this. 

"Yui has a drama script for papa," said Yui, who now looked excited, as if asking Ethan to praise her. 

Ethan raised half an eyebrow, surprised to hear something he hadn't imagined at all.

He knew that now Yui had become fond of writing because now they had a large stock of songs written by his daughter. However, Ethan did not know that Yui's passion would continue in making drama scripts for him.

Isn't Yui's progress too fast at the moment?

"What's wrong, papa?" asked Yui who now looked sad. It wasn't the facial expression she'd expected when she told Ethan the news.

Ethan shook his head, before finally smiling.

"Wow, Yui is really great. Can papa read the drama script written by Yui?" asked Ethan, now looking excited.