Stuck In Elevator

There was silence in the elevator. Both Ye Jin and Ethan didn't talk to each other. Ethan felt reluctant to say hello to Ye Jin first because Ye Jin seemed to want to keep her identity from being known by others. So Ethan decided to pretend not to know that he knew it was Ye Jin.

Meanwhile, Ye Jin didn't bother to say hello to Ethan who was clearly just wearing a suit without any other means of disguise. Although they crossed paths several times on music shows, there wasn't really any interaction between the two.

Ethan looked at Ye Jin who was standing in front of him, he was thinking hard whether to greet her or not. Even though he was older than the woman, Ye Jin was his senior.

Ethan was just about to open his mouth to greet the woman when suddenly the elevator they were riding was shaking.

Ye Jin who was folding her arms didn't expect the shock, lost her balance, making her almost fall if there wasn't a hand holding her arm.