This Is Your Papa

"Nothing. I'm just happy," Carolina said, trying to smile. She had promised to stay strong for her daughter and not cry anymore. So, she will keep fighting!

After all, her husband still remembers her and is probably still waiting for her. This is not the time to cry and give up!

Liam looked at Carolina who was trying to look strong. He knew what had happened to the woman and could guess the reason why she was crying. Even though he knew about it, he still had no intention of contacting Ethan and telling the man that his wife was fine.

Indeed he looked ruthless right now, seeing how Carolina was in his situation and he was the only one who could help her. However, he didn't want them to take advantage of his popularity as a famous artist, especially since Carolina's husband had the same job.

Well, maybe if he had another job Liam might help them out.