Sharing Secret

Ye Jin's eyes widened and her mouth opened when she heard what Ethan had just said.

Ethan oppa is allergic to peanuts? Why didn't she know that?

Ye Jin was sure she already knew all about Ethan. Well, though she only studied it on the internet. But isn't something like an allergy usually written on the internet?

Even though Ye Jin doesn't have allergies, her group members used to have allergies and it was known by her fans.

Why didn't anyone know that Ethan had an allergy to peanuts?

"Sorry oppa, I don't know," Ye Jin said as she covered her mouth and looked guilty. 

Ye Jin inwardly cursed herself for adding peanuts to the cookies she made. She added it to make it taste better and thought Ethan would like it.

Who would have thought that her plan would completely fail.

"It does not matter. No one really knows, really. So don't blame yourself," said Ethan with a reassuring smile when he saw Ye Jin's expression.