Premiere Film

Ethan couldn't help but be surprised when from afar, he could see a line of people standing behind a barrier holding cell phones and papers. 

"The enthusiasm is this much?" Ethan asked Mi Sun who was in front of him. 

"Of course! You know when the trailer came out, Happy Valentine's Day was the top 1 in the real time search, right? People are crazy!" explained Mi Sun with a proud smile. 

Currently, Ethan is heading to one of the malls that will be holding a premier event for Happy's Valentine's Day. The film will be screened on February 14, but the VIP premiere event has started since February 10. 

In the VIP premiere, film critics, famous influencers, and several famous artists will usually be invited. The cast are also given tickets to invite their families to attend, and of course the lucky ones were given free tickets to the premiere of the film.