Ye Jin Come To ESC Entertainment

"Yeah, I'd better do that. I don't have a chance to meet Ethan oppa again," Ye Jin muttered while nodding her head. 

She then looked back at her cellphone which was placed on the bed, on the screen it was showing a news article. 

[Nam Ethan Will Be a Father Soon]

In addition to articles praising Ethan's extraordinary acting, there are also other articles that have appeared and discuss Ethan's soon to be a father. 

It seems, because of Ethan's comments about his wife not being able to come due to unfavorable conditions, people assumed Ethan's wife was pregnant, or was looking after their child. 

The first time she saw that, Ye Jin felt sorry for Ethan, the lie that Ethan had committed had become this big. She had to do something to help Ethan. 

Ye Jin then planned to carry out her plan that time, but she didn't have the chance to have dinner alone with Ethan and get the man to get drunk.