This Person Is Ela's Papa!

The innocent question of the little girl was completely unexpected by the woman. His eyes widened before she looked back at the little girl's face which now looked curious with sparkling eyes. 

"Angel? What's wrong? What did Angela say?" the man asked curiously. He managed to catch the surprised expression on her face and it made him very curious. 

"Ah! Liam sorry, I'll call you later," the woman replied. She let out an apologetic smile and immediately hung up the video call before hearing the answer from the person called Liam. 

Once the laptop screen was no longer showing the man's face, the woman was slightly stunned and speechless when she saw the little girl on her lap waving her hand at the laptop screen and even saying bye bye. 

"Mama, Ela wants pee pee," said the little girl, making her mother wake up from her daydream. 

The woman then put down the little girl from her lap and led her to the toilet in the room.