Being A Parent Is Not Easy

Carolina seemed to be walking in a hurry as she was about to return to her room.

"Stupid… don't you dare…. don't you dare go like that… I will never forgive you!" thought Carolina, her eyes now looking watery, about to burst into tears.

However, Carolina tried to hold it in when she finally reached her room door. She didn't want to be engrossed in her emotions at this time and make her daughter see her sad.

Carolina was a strong woman from the start, and didn't want others to see her weak side. However, since marrying Ethan, she has shown her weak side several times in front of that stupid man.

This time, she didn't want to do it again. Not in front of her daughter!

Back then Carolina didn't understand why her mother was trying to look strong and not cry in front of her when it could make her mother better.