Reunite With Yui

Carolina smiled sweetly as she accepted the elevator card the receptionist had given her. To be honest she was a little surprised that the receptionist immediately believed her without confirming her identity once again.

Was it because she was currently carrying Angela, who looked similar to her father?

Or because no one has ever claimed to be Ethan's wife?

Well, if anybody did that, Carolina would looking for her and deal with that bitch.

As soon as Carolina entered the elevator, she was a little confused as to where she should go. 

She did come here to meet Mi Sun and ask Ethan's cousin, but where is Mi Sun's room? Is it in Office I or Office II? Or is it on the Director's floor?

Carolina finally decides to press the Director's floor button and changes her plans to meet with Mi Sun.

She had better go to Ethan's room and meet someone, someone she hasn't seen in a long time.

It's Yui!