Let's Continue The Meeting

The statement from Carolina made the atmosphere of the meeting room chaotic. They didn't even try to hide their shocked expressions and whispered amongst themselves.

This woman owns 50% of ESC Entertainment? Why had they never seen her before?

"N-No way! H-How can you have that much share?!" Ye Jin asked with her eyes wide open.

She indeed only bought shares from Ethan and never found out how many shares Ethan owned. She initially thought Ethan wasn't selling her more because he still wanted to be the biggest shareholder in the agency.

Does that mean in the first place Ethan only owned a 50% share in the agency before he sold it to someone else?

"What do you mean? Of course I can. This agency is mine and my husband's." Carolina answered rolling her eyes. For some reason she had the feeling that she would not like this woman.

"Isn't that right, Mrs. Nam Mi Sun?" asked Carolina who was now looking at Mi Sun.