Uncle Laptop

The atmosphere in the hotel room became awkward when they heard Liam's statement. Tom and Sarah looked at each other, wondering why their boss had turned it down when it wasn't such a difficult request, after all they were already in South Korea. 

Even though they both wanted to attend it, but if Liam said no, they couldn't attend. 

Carolina blinked her eyes, she didn't expect Liam to turn down her offer. 

"I'm going to go talk to Liam first," said Carolina, rising from her seat. She then turned to Angela and told her daughter to sit there first. 

"Why did Liam turn down my offer? Is he in a bad mood?" Carolina thought as she walked over to Liam who was looking outside the room. 

"Liam," Carolina called quietly. 

"Go. I've made my decision," Liam said without turning his head. 

Carolina sighed and sat on the bed. 

"Can't you help me? I'm really in trouble right now," Carolina said quietly.