I Will Step Down From My Position

"I know that Mrs. Carolina owns half of ESC Entertainment's shares, but I want Mrs. Carolina to act maturely and leave her position as interim leader of ESC!"

"If the news of the ESC leader commits violence, this will have a bad impact on our agency's image! So Mrs. Carolina must realize that she is not the right person to be the interim leader of the ESC!" Ye Jin continued.

The people there whispered to each other before finally nodding in agreement with what Ye Jin said.

Meanwhile, Mi Sun, who had been standing defending Carolina, now sat back in silence. She wanted to defend Carolina, but what Ye Jin said was true.

Cases of violence like this will become the subject of discussion if the news comes out. Mi Sun knows that if Carolina doesn't comply with Ye Jin's request now, she is sure that this news will surely come out and make Carolina's name a topic of conversation.