I'm Home, Idiot

Carolina's been really busy these past few days, even though she thought that after stepping down from her position as head of ESC Entertainment, she'd be a little free, but in fact she wasn't at all. 

Because she wanted to work with Liam and the others, Carolina continued to accompany them when they were in the studio with Angela, when Liam was a little less busy, Carolina left her daughter and went to the hospital, to accompany Ethan. 

She didn't want Angela to catch the virus from the hospital, so Carolina didn't take her daughter  to see her father. 

That's what Carolina continues to do every day. 

"Thanks for your help," Carolina said, looking at Liam, Sarah, and Tom who were now wearing their sunglasses. 

"It's not a problem, I had fun," Sarah replied with a smile. 

"Me too, it's been a nice vacation," replied Tom, who, being not a singer, spent most of his time traveling.