Princess Dress

After getting his new cellphone, Ethan then stepped his foot to go down to the second floor, where the clothing store was located.

People who passed by Ethan and his family are still seen picking up their cellphones and taking pictures of Ethan, but Ethan and Carolina don't seem to care about that. Carolina was even seen hugging Ethan's arms, while Ethan's free hands wrapped around Carolina's waist even though it still looked difficult because of Carolina's body.

"Oh! That's papa! Why is papa here again?" asked Angela who saw a photo of Ethan hanging in the clothing store they had visited. He was seen wearing an outfit and pants from a clothing brand. Angela then looked at Ethan curiously.

"Papa works with this shop too," said Ethan with a proud smile on his face when he saw his daughter's eyes sparkle when she asked that question.

"Is that true? Papa is really cool!" said Angela then glanced back at the photo of Ethan looking handsome.