Husband Who Is Not Stupid Anymore

Carolina's expression immediately changed to one of surprise when she saw that the delivery man was a man her age with slightly tanned skin.

Had her husband improved his disguise to the point of being a completely different person?

But… his height and posture clearly looked different. Was that man in front of her really her husband?

"Carolina Akai?" the man asked to make sure the person who was going to get the package  was the right one.

His voice also sounded different… What exactly happened?

"Hello?" called the man once more, waving his hand before Carolina's eyes.

"Ah, yes, I'm Carolina Akai," said Carolina, who woke up from her daydream.

"What's this package? I didn't order something," she continued.

"I was only told to deliver this, Miss, the package has also been paid for," said the man and then handed a medium-sized box to Carolina.