Are You Not Even Going To Hug Mama?

Ethan blinked his eyes when he saw the scene in front of him. 

Clothes and belongings were scattered on the floor, a young woman who was picking up things on the floor, her mother-in-law who just stood still watching, and her wife who was tugging clothes with the old woman Ethan had just seen. 

He thought 30 minutes would be enough to give Carolina time, so he just opened the door. 

Ethan didn't expect the sight he was about to see was one like a landlord shooing away tenants who had not paid their rent. 

"Mama! Ela brought ice cream!" 

Angela's voice that sounded cheerful made the war-like atmosphere immediately stop and people's eyes were now on Ethan and Angela who were standing in front of the door. It seemed they were too busy to not notice the presence of the two people. 

"Ah, Ela's back," Carolina said as soon as she removed the clothes she was holding and immediately crouched down as her child excitedly ran into her arms.