Are You Sure Your daughter Is Yours?

"Where are you going, papa?" Angela asked when she saw that Ethan had changed and was carrying a bag. Her father's appearance looked like he was going somewhere.

"Papa is going to Korea," said Ethan who immediately picked up Angela and carried her.

Angela then looked at her mother who was walking with her father.

"Mama, why hasn't Ela changed clothes yet? Ela wants to wear Ela's new clothes," Angela said trying to get out of Ethan's arms, but Ethan held her and instead gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Papa, stop it, hehe, Ela wants to change clothes first," continued Angela, who was amused because Ethan kept kissing her.

"Ela, only papa will go to Korea, Ela will be with mama here," said Carolina, who was just silent when she saw Ethan who wanted to hug and kiss his daughter as long as he could.

"Why? Ela wants to come!"

"Papa  went to Korea for work. Papa will be back later."