Carolina Is That Kind Of Person

"Oh… Ye Jin? What's wrong?" asked Ethan who was surprised when he saw Ye Jin. 

Ye Jin didn't answer immediately and walked over to the sofa that was there and sat down, making Ethan who was sitting in his chair immediately stand up and join the woman. 

"What's wrong? Do you have anything to discuss? Are you involved in something?" asked Ethan who felt Ye Jin's attitude seemed like she wanted to discuss something important. 

Currently Ye Jin is an artist under ESC, so as the leader of ESC, Ethan is worried about his artist. 

"No, I'm fine," Ye Jin replied with a smile. 

"What about oppa? Is oppa okay? I came because I read the news and wanted to check on oppa's condition," she continued with a worried face. 

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that nothing had happened to Ye Jin. 

If Ye Jin also suddenly told him that she had done something and an article might appear, Ethan would feel even more stressed.