I Still Want To Talk To You

Ethan didn't answer right away, he changed his sleeping position which had been lying down, became sideways, then nodded his head.

"Of course, you can do it. Oh right, I asked Clara for help to take care of your leave and continue to pay your leave money, I think you can continue your studies," Ethan explained.

"Is that true?" Carolina asked, her round eyes getting wider in surprise at Ethan's words, her face also looking happy.

Ethan chuckled at that, why does his wife always look adorable?

"Yeah, I did well, didn't I?" asked Ethan with a big smile, wanting his wife to compliment him.

Carolina nodded with a big smile.

"Yeah, my Ethan did well. Good job," Carolina said sincerely. During her absence, which was arguably a selfish decision she made, Ethan turned out to be doing a lot for her. Carolina is so grateful that she could have such a husband.

Ethan didn't answer but just smiled at that.