Official Music Video

Carolina blushed slightly when she heard that. She thought tonight maybe they wouldn't do that because filming the music video earlier was tiring. 

She who gets rest during the filming feels so tired, then how about her husband who does that without having much rest? 

But seeing her husband teasing her like this, it seemed like he had a bit of energy. 

"Is that so?" Carolina said with a sweet smile, then stretched out her hand to reach for the beer can that Ethan had opened and took a sip. 

"But I think I'm going to get drunk tonight," Carolina continued, tilted her head slightly and looked at Ethan seductively while biting her lower lip. 

"Is that true?" asked Ethan then immediately stood up and lifted the chair he was sitting on and placed it next to Carolina. 

"Looks like my wife is getting naughty now that she wants to get drunk," said Ethan, who pretended to look annoyed.