Love the Environment

After a flight of about 18 hours, Ethan and Carolina finally arrived in the fashion city, Milan, Italy.

Actually there was no particular reason why they chose this city as the first place they would visit, Ethan just wanted to go on vacation to Europe, and Milan just happened to be the city that suddenly popped into his head.

It is famous as a fashion city, as well as a city that has famous works of art.

"We've finally arrived!" said Ethan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately jumped onto the bed in the hotel room they booked.

He was used to traveling by plane because he often went back and forth between Korea and Indonesia, but this was the first time his flight had taken hours, so he felt a little tired.

Meanwhile, Carolina who was behind him could only shake her head at her husband's behavior. He is already 30 years old but still acts like a child.