Teach Me How To Hack

"Done. We just have to go to the civil registry later to renew our family registration card," said Carolina after returning her and Ethan's data back to the new family registration card.

"It's done?" asked Ethan who sat beside him and looked at Carolina with a confused look.

Carolina turned her head, then nodded. Her facial expression looks normal.

"Very fast. I don't know what you're doing," Ethan muttered with a slight scowl on his face, even though he was deliberately sitting next to Carolina so he could see her wife's work and maybe learn a hacking trick or two.

However, Carolina did it so fast that he didn't understand what her wife was doing.

"Lina! How about you teach me how to hack?" asked Ethan suddenly, a look of excitement on his face.

He's had the role of a hacker before in his films and Ethan thought it was really cool even though what he did didn't seem like what a hacker would do.