I Will Never Like You

Ethan furrowed his brow when he caught Charlie's cold expression, before that man flashed a smile.

"Ah yes, I've heard you from Lina," Charlie replied then took the outstretched hand and shook it.

Ethan immediately smiled when he saw the friendly attitude of his father-in-law, he thought that maybe he just saw it wrong.

However, Ethan's eyebrows shot up again as Charlie held his hand firmly, too strong to be called a handshake.

Ethan looked at Charlie with a confused look, but Charlie just put on a smiley face, making Ethan a little confused.

What exactly happened?

"Come on papa, the food is ready."

A voice from Carolina made Charlie let go of the handshake and follow Carolina into the dining room without turning to look at Ethan.

While Ethan, who was still confused, finally caught up with them.