Epilog 5: Freya Nam

The three people with the same face immediately turned to the stairs when they saw Angela's arrival. Their faces look worried.

"Noona! How is it?"

"Unnie! What did mama say? Is it true that we were summoned because one of us is the perpetrator?" 

While the other, just looked at their sister without saying anything.

"It seems so. Come on, one of you go," said Angela and walked towards the kitchen.

Actually, from her mother's question, Angela could already guess that she was the perpetrator that her sister meant, but she tried to act normal because she didn't want her siblings to know that her marriage was a little problematic.

The three fell silent when they heard that, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

"Oppa! I'm gonna go first, okay?" asked Freya who immediately stood up from her seat.

"Ohh… do you want to confess your sins right away? What are you doing?" asked Boreas jokingly, wanting to tease his sister.