[CH.001] More Important Than You Think

Kindred Hospital of San Diego


"Amy. Sweetheart. Look at me, honey," Susie said.

Susie, her full name being Suzanne Mayanne Whitaker, is Amy's grandmother. Short, curly grey hair, wrinkled cheeks, arms, and hands. Not only were her hands wrinkly, but they were also shaky too. She laid in the hospital bed; the back of it is slightly elevated. From the waist down, a blue blanket covered Susie up.

Sitting in a padded chair next to Susie's bed, was Amy. She had her head facing down. She was acting strange. Sad and upset. That's how she's feeling right now. Normally, she never acted like this. But this time, it just somehow felt like the proper time to feel that way.

The hospital room was quiet. The only noises being made were from the Doctor's and Nurses constantly walking around. The room was so quiet that you could hear the conversations people out in the hallways were having. Susie turned her head to her right. She sighed heavily.

"I know you're upset sweetheart. I would be too if I were in your shoes," Susie mentioned in a solemn and calm tone.

Without lifting her head to look at her grandmother, Amy mumbled something very quietly.

"What'd you say?" Susie asked.

Amy raised her head, turning it to her left. She glared into Susie's eyes. Her eyes were puffy and watery. Her cheeks were red. Amy was trying her ultimate best to control her emotions. It was more difficult than it had sounded.

"What about our picnic?" Amy said, sniffling her nose after asking that question. As her eyes became more watery, tears began sliding down her cheeks. The tears dripped off of her face, falling onto Amy's pants. "You told me we would do that this weekend!"

Susie looked away from Amy and up at the ceiling. She now understood why Amy was upset. She didn't bother to ask Amy why. If she did do that, she would've asked a rhetorical question. Susie then looked back over to her right at Amy.

"You'll be just fine sweetheart," She mentioned, "We'll be reunited again one day."

"I don't want you to leave grandma," Amy said in a shaky and unstable voice. "I want you to stay. Stay with me. It's not your time to go yet."

Susie sighed once more. But she then had a sudden good idea.

"Do you see that small green box sitting on the table next to you?" Susie asked. Amy glanced over at the small table. The small green box was sitting on the tabletop. "Why don't you go open it."

Amy frowned. She was very curious to know what was in that box. She got up off of the chair and walked over to the table. Staring down at the box, Amy then picked it up. After gently pulling the lid off of it, she saw what was inside. It was a silver ring with a dark green gem. A beautiful piece of jewelry it is. With her free hand, she carefully grabbed the ring out of the box.

"Well do you like it?" Susie asked as she faintly smiled.

Amy quickly turned around and began examining the ring closely.

"You know Amy," Susie said, "that ring may seem like an ordinary ring, but it's not. It's more important than you think."

Amy lifted her head and looked back over at her grandmother.

"What do you mean grandma?" Amy questioned.

Susie chuckled and smiled again.

"You'll come to find out soon enough," Susie said, "If you're really curious to know more, find the camera."

"What camera?" Amy asked. Her feelings went from being sad and upset to becoming extremely curious.

"The one in the attic," Susie responded, "that's the one you'll be looking for."

"How will I know if it's the right camera?" Amy asked.

"You'll know," Susie responded, "you're a smart young lady. You'll figure it out I'm sure."

San Diego

Present Day

"Stay close, don't wander off," Amy said, "Chief is expecting arrests. We can't let them get away."

Amy was standing alongside an iron door. The door was painted red, although the red was faded and chipping away in some spots. At the bottom of the door, signs of rust could be seen. In her hands, Amy held a black Glock pistol in her hands. She nudged her head at her partner Antonio and another officer. Her name was Gypsy.

Gypsy crept silently over to the door. Antonio ran over and stood up against the brick wall. Everyone was wearing black bullet-proof vests. On the back of everyone's vests, in bright all capital yellow lettering, it said S.D.P.D. Gypsy looked over at Amy. Amy nodded her head once. Gypsy raised her leg, kicking the iron door as hard as she could. The banging sounds she made echoed throughout the alleyway. After kicking the door a few times, the hinges finally broke. The door went falling straight back. Antonio and Amy ran inside the building as fast as they could. Gypsy followed right behind them.

"They're going to get away!" Gypsy said.

Amy shook her head.

"Federal agents are surrounding the building," Amy responded, "There's no chance in hell of them escaping!"

The three of them remained close to each other. Their pistols are drawn and ready to be fired if need be. The warehouse was dark. People's voices were echoing throughout the warehouse. They were speaking in Spanish. Luckily for Amy, Antonio spoke Spanish.

What're they saying?" Amy asked.

"They're going to make a run for it, leaving everything behind. Only taking the money."

He continued to listen to them shouting and yelling at one another, translating to Amy what they were saying.

"Well they won't get very far," Amy said.

Big, bright hung from the curved ceiling. Near the top of the walls were large dirty glass windows. Some of the windows were cracked, while the other ones were entirely smashed. Birds were flying around overhead, scared because of what was happening below.

The mission was simple. Raid this abandoned warehouse, capture the criminals, and then take them into custody. Amy was very adamant about finishing this mission successfully. After months of hunting, apprehending, and sending this criminal drug enterprise into a downwards spiral, Amy was nearing the end. But never say never. Things can go wrong. They were to be expected. The plan had its flaws, every plan does right? One, the criminals could escape through underground tunnels, avoiding being captured once more. Amy knew the plan was flawed, but she wasn't that worried about it. After all, the entire building was surrounded by F.B.I and Homeland Security agents.

If this mission was to end in yet another failure, it would be back to the drawing board. That's one thing she was trying to avoid. She'd be back to square one if this mission were to fail.

"Watch out!" Antonio shouted as he quickly grabbed Amy's left arm, pulling her back towards him. When he let go of her arm, she turned around and looked at him.

What she didn't notice was that there was a man standing in the middle of the hallway. He wore a black ski mask over his face, with only his eyes not being covered up. The man was wearing dirty, torn jeans, a dirty black sweatshirt, and worn-out white tennis shoes. He was holding a semi-automatic AK47, with it being aimed directly at Amy, Antonio, and Gypsy. He shouted loudly in Spanish.

"What'd he say?" Amy asked Antonio.

"Face your fears. Stop hiding," Antonio responded.

On the wall to their left, there was a cracked mirror. In the reflection, Amy could see the man standing. His sweater was completely unzipped, revealing the danger he imposed. He was wearing a vest that was rigged with explosives. A small black cord led up into his right sweater pocket. That must be where the detonator is at.

"We can't shoot him," Antonio said, "This whole building will come down if we do!"

"Do you have any better ideas?" Amy asked as she glanced back over her left shoulder at Antonio.

He shook his head. He couldn't come up with a better idea just yet. But there was always another way around situations like these. Amy looked back over at the cracked mirror. She pulled the safety on her pistol back. Luckily for her, these walls were made of metal, making it easy for bullets to ricochet off of them. If she aimed her pistol accurately enough, maybe she could shoot the man without putting herself in danger of being fired upon.

She raised her gun and quickly peeked around the corner to get a somewhat better look at the man. When she did that, he immediately opened fire. The barrel of the gun flashing with every shot. Amy, Antonio, and Gypsy could all hear the bullets whooshing past them. As he continued firing, Amy aimed her pistol over at the wall, firing off two shots. After she did that, she quickly kneeled down.

"Get down!" Amy shouted.

Antonio and Gypsy quickly kneeled down. And just in the nick of time too. Amy got lucky. Somehow, one of her bullets managed to hit the man right in his chest. A loud and bright explosion shook the entire building. Flames flew outward, engulfing the entire hallway in flames. Amy, Antonio, and Gypsy all looked the opposite way as the heatwave from the explosion fanned out. As the smoke rose into the air, the sprinkler systems activated. Water was now showering down all over the building. Amy got back up, peeking around the corner. Puddles of water began to form as the water rained down from above. Everything was getting wet, including Amy and Antonio and Gypsy's clothing.

"Common!" Amy said, "Follow me."

Loud voices were still shouting. Suddenly, another more subtle explosion was heard near the north entrance to the warehouse. The bright daylight from outside flooded into the building. F.B.I and Homeland Security agents stormed the building, shouting at the remaining four criminals.

"It's about time," Amy said.

"Does this mean the mission's over?" Gypsy questioned.

Amy smiled and nodded her head. She flipped the safety switch back up on her Glock and put it back into its holster on her belt. Antonio and Gypsy did the same. Two F.B.I agents saw them and ran over to them. They were armored in bulletproof armor from head to toe. They were all wearing face shields over their faces, vests over their stomachs, and paddings on their knees and legs.

"Are you guys alright?" Frank, a Homeland Security agent, asked Amy, Antonio, and Gypsy.

Amy looked back over her left shoulder at them, examining them from top to bottom. No scratches. No bruises. They were perfectly fine. No injuries accrued. Thank goodness.

"Yeah," Amy responded.

"Good," Frank responded, "head back outside. There's a paramedic waiting."

And just like that, the mission was over. What a success it was. After all these months and countless hours spent hunting down these criminals, the work had finally paid off. News agencies nationwide would all be broadcasting the news come six o'clock. This was definitely a story worth telling. As Antonio and Gypsy made their way back outside, Frank held his arm out in front of Amy. She stopped walking and looked over at him.

"How are you doing, really?" Frank asked, "you aren't hurt are you?"

Amy shook her head, faintly smiling at Frank.

"No. I was lucky I guess," Amy responded.

"Just be careful next time," Frank said, "the last thing the boys need is to lose their mother!"

"We're doing our part to keep them safe. I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep it that way," Amy said, "as long as we're around, they won't have to worry about a thing."

Frank slowly nodded his head, smiling back at Amy.

"Okay," he said, "I'll see you later then?"

"Yes," Amy responded as she began walking away from Frank. Frank stood there watching Amy get further and further away from him. Ben, Frank's friend, and fellow agent scoffed. Frank turned around.

"How did you find a gal like her? Where can I find one like her for me?" Ben joked.

"She's one of a kind man," Frank said, "and I've already called dibs!"

Later that day, Frank and Amy were driving home. Exhausted and worn out they were. As they turned down this one street, they drove right past a small, single leveled building. The sign on the roof of the shop read Egor's Antique Shop. The sign was brightly lit, with the name in big and bold black lettering.

"I've been wanting to check that place out for some time now," Amy responded, "I just have this feeling. I can't explain it. But every time we drive past that shop, I get this strange gut feeling."

"What do you mean?" Frank asked.

"I don't know. My grandma always told me stories about a man named Egor and how he changed the world," Amy said.

"And you think that has something to do with that shop, don't you?" Frank asked.

Amy began shaking her head, still unable to explain herself clearly to Frank.

"It's more important than you think is what she told me right before she passed away," Amy said as she reached into her shirt to grab a necklace out. At the bottom of the necklace was the very ring her grandmother had given her when Amy was only eleven. She's held onto it ever since, cherishing it with all of her heart. Never let it out of her sight. Frank glanced down at the ring.

"That ring means a lot to you doesn't it?" Frank said.

Amy looked over at him and then down at the ring.

"More than you know," Amy said, "this is the last thing she ever gifted to me. I can't give it up. I don't know who I'd be if I did."

"Maybe this weekend we could stop by and check it out?" Frank suggested, "If you want to of course."

"I'd like that," Amy responded.

The car turned left to head down another road. They were now entering the neighborhood where they lived. The sun was slowly setting as the skies got darker and darker. As the sky transitioned from day to night, the stars began to come out.

They then pulled into their driveway, with Frank putting the car in park and shutting it off. They both unbuckled their seatbelts and got out. After Amy had shut her door, she began walking over towards the front door. As she walked over to it, a bright green flash caught her attention. She looked up at the attic window. There it was again. The green light flashed once more.

"What the--?" Amy mumbled to herself.

"What was that honey?" Frank said, "I couldn't hear you."

"Oh it's nothing to worry about," Amy said as she continued to stare up at the attic window. The flashing green light had suddenly stopped.

Curious to find out what had caused that flashing light, Amy walked up the stairs and onto the front porch. But before she could even grab her keys out to unlock the door, James and Carl opened the door and ran out and over to Amy. They gave her a big hug. Amy laughed subtly as she wrapped her arms around them.

"Amelia saw you and dad on the news today," Carl said, "I was so scared you wouldn't come back home."

"Well we're totally fine," Amy said, "your father and I will always come back to you. There's no doubt. Nothing can ever tear our family apart, you hear me? Nothing!"

Carl and James tightened their arms tighter around Amy's waist. They were just happy that their mom and dad were okay. After all, their jobs weren't very easy. James and Carl were old enough to understand the basics of what Amy and Frank did for work. Amelia came walking outside and onto the porch.

"I'm terribly sorry miss Whittaker," Amelia said, "I should've turned the news off when I heard of what happened earlier today."

Amy faintly smiled and waved her hand in the air once. She shook her head.

"That's okay," Amy responded, "Don't worry about it. We can't hide the truth about life forever now can we?"

"You're right," Amelia responded as she walked back into the house. She leaned over behind the front door to pick up her backpack and sweater. She already had her converse sneakers on.

"Is it alright if I leave a little early tonight? I have a test that I need to study for before tomorrow."

Amy smiled and nodded her head.

"Of course," Amy responded, "You can go."

"Thank you, Miss Whittaker," Amelia said, "good night."

"Goodnight Amelia," Amy responded.

Frank was still standing over by the car, grabbing his bulky and heavy black duffle bag out from the back seat. After he grabbed his duffle bag out, he shut the door. As he walked over towards the porch, he walked right past Amelia.

"Good night Mister Whittaker," Amelia said.

"Good night," Frank responded, "oh, and good luck on your test tomorrow. You'll do great. I know it!"

"Thank you," Amelia responded.

Once Amelia was gone, Frank walked up the stairs. James and Carl ran over to him to give him a hug too. The two of them were excited to see him and Amy.

"Hello boys," Frank said, "did you behave yourselves today?"

"Always," Carl responded, "we had so much fun with Amelia."

"Oh yeah?" Frank questioned, "what'd you guys all do?"

"Well first we went for a bike ride, then we went swimming in the pool, and then we all painted pictures together. It's always fun when Amelia is here," James explained.

Frank and Amy smiled.

"Well I'm glad you like having Amelia around," Frank said, "by the sounds of it, she kept you guys pretty busy."

"Yeah she did," Carl responded.

"I'm glad to hear that," Frank responded, "now let's head inside and make dinner. Your mother and I are famished."