Chapter 19 - The Prince Behaviour

The next day Morning, The Princess woke up early and got freshen up by herself and trying to go outside to have a fresh air as she was captive since she came to the Palace.

Her servants stopped her not to go outside and she is now Princess and she can not roam like a normal person. She said, "I am not going outside the Palace, I want to just relax outside in the fresh air and I am sure I will not go outside"

Then her servants not spoke any word and she went outside where little far from her room, a flower bed is there. She went there and sat for a long time as she was enjoying the beautiful nature with birds chirping, the fragrance of the flowers and the Sun that came just now as he just woke up from the bed. She always loves the nature rather than any other thing. She forgets all her sorrows and hurdles only by enjoying the nature.

From far away the Queen was watching this all and after some time she came near to the Princess and started conversation with her to know the inner feelings and the behaviour of the Princess, how she will give respect to the elders and the way she speaks to others.

The two of them spoke each other for so much of time as the Queen not even noticed the time gap by speaking to her daughter-in-law, she was speaking very innocently and very humble towards the others and the Queen fell crush on her by the mesmerizing beauty and the way she speaks to the elders and her nature.

After some time, when the heat of the sun getting harder she went into her room. In the mean while the Prince woke up freshen and tried to leave the Palace as usual. But this time the guards stopped him and informed to the King about his stepping out. The king immediately arrived there and rebuked him. He then frowned and walked inside by irritation.

Then the whole kingdom arranged the Prince and the Princess first night in the afternoon itself as they could not stop him by going out. The servants went to the Princess and started making her ready as beautiful as they can.

She then asked them, "suddenly why all this",

"today in about few minutes you and your Prince are going to make it", replied the servants

"What?, I did not get you", Princess exclaimed

"Your first night today My Lord", servants replied with slight shy

Then the princess happiness was endless, some imagination and was something unknown happiness but still a lot of fear surrounded her mind that how she can speak to him, how to express her feelings and more over she had a doubt in her mind whether the Prince would like her, if so how their life will be. So many imaginations, in between the servants came inside after an hour and she is taken to the prince's room.

The prince is suddenly startled and yells loudly that, "what is happening here",

"My Lord....", servants trying to say something

In the mean while the King and the Queen came into the room along with her parents and said, today is your day. Both of you enjoy this day, no one will disturb you both from now onwards. You have to enjoy your life with this girl only, now she is your better half and I promise you, she will be the best wife for you, the King says in solemnly.

The Prince got some what irritated and trying to say something, the King stopped him and said, now it's time to talk to your wife not with us and everyone leaves from the room.

Now only the two are there in the room. Her heartbeat growing faster and faster, but she was not able to understand why this was happening to her that she experienced never before, but anyhow she likes the feelings. She was trying to speak to the Prince as he was not starting any conversation.

"My Lord, I am very lucky to have you and I want to express my feelings that when I first saw you I fell in Love with you in deep and till now I have never experienced such feelings, It's so new to me. I don't know how you are feeling inside, could you please tell me your feelings?", Princess said

"Could you please be silent", Prince said

"O My Lord, what happened ?, are you not feeling well please tell me I will take care of it", Princess said

"Nothing happened to me", Prince said

"Please tell me, if you talk to me openly then only I can know", Princess said

"Would you mind if I told you anything? Or else do you really think of the Great Queen", Prince said with little angry

At that word she then suddenly collapsed and her heart breaks for the first time and complete silence was going on between them. Even though she don't know what to and how to speak for that words.

They have not talked each other for that day and in the evening the servants opened the doors, the Prince went out in hurry. The servants did not understand anything that what happened and the same conveyed to the Queen.

The Queen then went to the Princess and asked about her first experience, but she felt very sad for the first time in her life and said,

"Nothing happened Mom, Oh I am really sorry my Lord. I called you mom", Princess replied in a very sorrow mood.

"It's ok my dear, you can call me as a mom, and now tell me what happened, why are so dull? and I feel that you are crying", the Queen said

Then she explained her everything about what happened in the room and she felt very sad. The Queen then comforting her and saying that

"We have kept secret about my son that he was completely addicted to the alcohol and to the prostitutes. We thought that if he was married to a beautiful girl like you, then he may change from those addictions. We are so sorry my dear, we thought he might change by seeing your mesmerizing beauty. Now you have to do one thing", the Queen explained the Princess

"Cheating, deception", Princess said

"No, my dear its nothing like that, we are always with you and would like to help you in every situation what ever you are going to face in this dynasty ", the Queen promised