Chapter 22 - Sadness

She accepted the deal with her mother in law, she got so much of motivation and leaves from there and went straight into the Prince room . . .

"Not again, why did you come again?, will you not leave me?", Prince said

"Daily you spend time with the prostitutes and why don't you spend time with me thinking me as the same?", Princess said

"What?", Prince exclaimed

" yes, I am happy to live with you in any way ", Princess said

"See that's why I hate the low grade people, look how you are behaving with me, does any wife in the world speak like this with their husbands?", Prince said in anger

"Not mean that, you are not looking at me at least as a human, so I said like that!!", Princess said in sorrow

"Just go away from here", Prince said

"Please listed to my words", by saying this, Princess moved forward towards him very closer

"No, I won't to listen to you. You did to me same before too, you have done some thing to me and I have made it with you without any liking towards you", Prince said

"I have done nothing", Princess said

She is speaking continuously to him and doing some physical acts to tempt the prince, almost 80% tempted and now she finally kissed him and pushed on to the bed then she moved on to him immediately upon him. Again, Prince mesmerized towards him and the two of them have their act each other. After some time he woke up and saw her lying naked beside him and very sorrow that again he tempted towards her.

"I don't know why I am doing this and I hate myself having sex with a very low grade lady. No . . No . . she is doing some thing to me, I have to be very careful next time. First of all I should not look into her eyes, it looks very dangerous whenever I saw into her eyes, I am losing my control and this was happening", Prince feeling very bad

He immediately worn his dress and went out of the room. He sat the whole night in the flower garden drinking alcohol served by their servants.

2 years gone and this is continuously happening since their wedding, a small change is till now only 2 or 3 times happened sex between them, whenever the Princess came to him, immediately he escapes for some reason. Princess is in deep sorrow that who ever she loved the most was not taking care of her and not even looking to her. Sometimes she had gone into deep depression too. The doctors in the kingdom visited her and gave treatment for her depression and said that for the next time if this happens she may completely turn into mad, so be very careful.

The King and the Queen very fond of but the Prince was not at all listening to their words. His hatred towards Princess was going severe day by day, when she is trying to become closer to him. Because of this he was hating her continuously as she was behaving like a prostitute, that was only his feelings.

The King died a few days later with this angst only and the Queen also fell in deep sorrow. After that the prince had to ascend the throne if he had no other chance or liking on it at all. Everyone in the Kingdom little feared about that the Prince, that till now he behaved like a kid and how he would take care of their people and solve the problems of them like a King. The whole kingdom was in sorrow about the King mortality and the Prince's behaviour towards the Princess too. The whole kingdom whispered towards the Prince and the Princess.

A few days later the Queen also not feeling well and she asked their servants to bring the Princess to her room as she wants to speak to her. As per her orders Princess arrived at the Queen's room and sat beside her.

"Look my dear, now I am not feeling well and I don't know whether I will alive or not, so please take of yourself and here take this as my remembrance", the Queen said

"What is that Mother?", Princess asked

"It's my favourite Bungalow that your father in law presented to me as a gift of love earlier we married, now it's completely yours, you have the whole rights towards it and I made it on your name too", Queen said

"Now why all this mother?", Princess asked

"It's the time to give you, I don't know when I am going to die and take of your husband and the Kingdom, from now on wards you have to take care of every thing ", Queen said

"But it's not possible by me, as I am not able to concentrate on any thing even on your son nor Kingdom. I am now completely on depression and I am so sorry that I am not able to stand on your words mother, I am very sorry", holding her hands and Princess crying

The Queen held her hands and let out a final breath shedding tears and the Princess too shedding tears towards her whole kind-heartedly without break, saying that "from now on wards who will take care of me and who speaks to me by taking care like you ?. There is no one in this Palace who cares about me" . .

In the meanwhile, the new King came to her mother lying dead on the bed and the servants surrounded the bed in deep sorrow. He started crying sitting beside her mother. Princess went near to the prince, placed her hand on his shoulder and trying to comfort him. He then removed her hand and said, "because of you this all had happened, My father died and a few days later my mother also, only because of you", in deep sorrow.

"But . . but . . what did I do?", Princess exclaimed

"When I married you, since then our problems entered into our life's, because we are not close and so they became sorrow and went till mortality. I hate you", Prince said

"I have not asked you or your family to marry me. Your father came to me and asked me to marry my son, at that time I asked him that whether your son will accept or not, find out that too once", Princess said with anger