Chapter 28 - Going to Monroe City

" The team went on the forest which is back side of the forest in the investigation process of the Prince, to find out what happened to him . . there the team found the evidence of the Price that the horse was dragged him since a very long distance and so he was dead . . finally the team followed the path on which the horse went on and finally found the dead body of the Prince as well as with the horse . . haa yes off course the minister's too along with the dead bodies of the horses, as the horses stuck to a tree with the help of the rope tied and the horses too dead due to the lack of the food and water for them . . ", Carter mother explained him every thing very detailed

Carter was shocked by hearing the story of the ghost and felt very pity about her and he did not understand why she was holding him very tightly even though he was not the prince . . the only problem is that he was born same as like Prince and so she was not leaving him thinking that he was his husband and this time she does not want to leave him by any chance .

Carter was thinking very seriously about the solution of the problem and how to deal the ghost nor how to destroy the ghost, because she is very powerful and no one could handle her. . .

" Mother . . do you know the solution for this problem ?", Carter asked to his mother very seriously keeping his face dull

" No . . but I know a priest who is specialist in catching nor handling the ghost and he could help you in this . . go and meet him immediately or as soon as you could possible ", Carter mother said

" Ok mother sure . . tell me his address, where to go and where did he lives ?", Carter asked

By so his mother informed him about the priest and the address of him very clearly and so Carter and Samuel decided to go to the city which his mother informed to them . .

In the mean while, Samuel's mobile rang and surprisingly it's from his friend James . .

" Carter, it's James ", Samuel said

" Oh really, come on lift it and ask his wellbeing's ", Carter said

Samuel then lifted the call and asked him, " James, where are you all these days, how are you and where have you been went ?",

" I am perfectly alright Samuel, after seeing the girl transforming into the ghost, I got shocked and went out of the bungalow . . ran and ran so far and fell unconscious some where inside the forest . . few days later when I opened my eyes, I was at some one's house, they said that they have saved me from the forest . . finally I thanked him a lot and reached home just now . . my mother said that you two visited my house and asked me to call you . . so I wanna inform you both that I am perfectly alright . . don't worry about me . . by the way how is Carter ?, is every thing ok ?", James explained every thing to him

" yes . . yes . . he is ok and I will explain it every thing to you later . . we are in emergency need to go to Monroe . . so take care for now . . bye . . bye . . ", Samuel said and ended the call

Carter and his friend started moving towards the city Monroe where the priest lives in with utmost care and safety as they know that the ghost would follow them and might hurt them in a weak point and again she might take Carter back to the forest and hostage there . .

They have booked a taxi and started traveling towards the Monroe and it took 24 hours for them to reach there while facing a lot of problems in middle thinking that the ghost was preventing them to go there near the priest by damaging the wheels for some times and stuck the traffic while on their way for some times and created a very huge cyclone disturbing the driver not to drive further due to the heavy rain and by so the driver stopped driving the car as he could do it . .

At last, finally they have reached the Monroe with great difficulty, normally it takes only four hours for them to travel towards Monroe from their city, but this time it took 24 hours time to go there . .

They have been reached the priest very safely and met him . . by the sense of their visit, the priest guessed the problem of them only by looking over his third eye with out opening his eyes . .

All of a sudden he opened his eyes and looked very seriously towards Carter and asked them to come forward and said you are in danger and your life is in threat . .

" sir . . that's why we came to you . . . please help us in this sir ", Carter said

" There is very less chance of saving you by this problem, but I'll try my level best and we need to start to the forest immediately . . come on let's go ", the priest said

" Ok sir, let's go ", Carter said and the three started moving from there, the priest carried his bag along with his assistant . . The priest asked his assistant to give some thing from his bag, his assistant took out some thing like a locket and gave it to the priest, he tagged that locket to his right hand shoulder and asked him, " to take care of this with out loosening nor dropping out . . and also remember that not to take out from your shoulder by any one's force too . . always be in cautious and do not go in to the trance of the ghost ",

" But . . how to do that sir . . with out knowing to me, I am going in to her trance and she was taking me out in to the forest and binds me over there in the bungalow ", Carter said

" That's about the holding control on your mind and on your body . . always listen to your mind not to the other's words . . always concentrate on your body and on your soul, if you do so then no ghost would control you . . please try to remember my words always ", the priest said and warned him a lot and trying a lot to save him

At last they started traveling towards his city Memphis, but this time they reached very quickly with out any hurdles in middle of their journey as the priest is with them and controlling the ghost always and the situation around them too . .

The ghost tried to disturb them in middle by in the same way as their first journey that is from Memphis to Monroe, but this time they did not face much, at first the ghost tried to create a huge hurricane and all of a sudden it stopped coming towards them by looking at the priest and the lockets in his neck . . . and later the ghost remained calm for the rest of the journey and finally the four reached their city . . but to reach Carter's house, they have to cross the forest which is in middle of the Memphis and his village . .

" Driver, please stop the car once here ", Carter asked the driver and the driver stopped the car too

" what happened Carter ?", the priest asked

" This is the crucial time sir, that we need to cross the forest from here and now in a few more minutes the sun set is going to happen . . this is not the right time to cross the forest sir ", Carter said and the priest, his assistant and the driver watching his face shocking that why did he said like that and why it is the crucial time for them . .