My Birthday Gift

Winona's POV

Seven Years Later

"Happy nineteenth Birthday! Winona!" Lizardo said, and he offered me a slice of cake, and I no longer wonder how he got it.

"Thank you, Lizardo!" I said and smiled at him; seven years had passed since I lost my home and parents. Lizardo is my only companion, and Tac, my familiar, inherited her from my mom. She is a white cat. Ever since, my mother has a unique quality, and mom was the only one who has a white familiar because the rest of the witches in Thesirea have black familiars from cat to dogs. I am just glad she gave me the cat during the tournament day because she knew it would be our last day to see each other.

"Blow your candle now, Winona, and make a wish!" My white cat familiar said.

I stared at the slice of chocolate cake in front of me, and the white candle shimmered on top of the cake. And I realized how much I miss eating a cake. I close my eyes and make a wish, and I blow the candle softly. Even though I live inside a cave for seven years, I have a comfortable bed, and I never get hungry.

"So, now that it is my birthday, can I get outside now? You promised me on my eighteenth birthday if I already shifted, I could get out from this cave! Please, Lizardo, I know you love me like your daughter, and you care about me, and you know Dasos forest is deserted because of the creatures living here. Only a powerful being can enter this place, but my mother made a spell for whoever helps me; even if he or she is not that powerful, he can remain unharmed." I said, and I am giving him my puppy eyes.

"And I already shifted, so I am now free, right?" I said, and he nodded and shook his head which made me confused.

"Winona, I know you are so excited to get out of this place since you have been hidden here for seven years, but you are still unsafe; I will allow you to go out, but with a condition, you have to follow my rules. First, you can only get out during the afternoon, and you need to bring Tac with you. You can't go to any village and especially not to the Thesirea Capital." He said, and I pouted my lips. I miss the capital so much.

"The Red Dragon King is still searching for you, powerful dragons came here now and then, and they are also looking for me. You are the number on their wanted list after your father, and now, I am next in line. King Alexandrix thought you manipulated my mind, and I remember who I was before becoming his supporter. He knew I am powerful; that is why he made me forget that I am Emeric's best friend.

I found out Lizardo was my father's best friend after he took me to Dasos forest. During my grandfather's reign, all the dragons were living in harmony regardless of colors and powers. King Alexandrix father, the late King Novaz, was my grandfather's right hand, and my grandpa King Sullivan didn't know his right hand planned to oust him as King of the dragon world. King Novaz murdered and hunted down the remaining ancient dragons, but my father escaped. My mom found him dying in this forest and use her healing magic to cure my father's injuries.

Little did she know he was the last golden dragon shifter of the dragon realm. They fell in love, and my dad confessed to her that he was a dragon shifter. My mother knew she couldn't have a relationship with a dragon since it is against Thesirea Kingdom's law, and the dragon can't fall in love with a witch. My mother is most favored by King Julius, the King of Thesirea, because she was a strong witch; King Julius is the most powerful mage among the spellcasters.

"Okay, don't worry. I always follow the rules, and all the stunts that you taught me will help me protect myself. Thank you, Lizardo, for the cake, and of course, for the best gift ever, my freedom to get outside from this cage. It has been so long that I have seen beautiful flowers on the fields, and I miss collecting herbs and plants to make a potion." I said, smiling from ear to ear.

"You are welcome, and don't come home so late, and we are going to have a special dinner because it is your special day." He replied, and I nodded my head. I am so excited that I go to my quarter; my dad and mom make this part of the whole place like a part of a typical house because they made quarters, there is also a semi-living room and dining hall. This cave is deep, and there is a big pond in the middle of this cave that sometimes I spend my entire day swimming.

Every time Lizardo went to the capital, he disguised himself as an older man selling herbs to provide us food and buy some clothing for me. And to receive some news from both realms. He became like a father to me since the day of that unforgettable event of my life. Lizardo gave me everything that I need including books for my education. Since I became the number one wanted in both realms at the age of twelve, I can no longer go to Thesirea Witch Academy, so he also became my teacher, mentor, and trainer.

I couldn't ask for more since my safety is my top priority right now because I prepared myself to face the Dragon King someday because I need to justify my father's death, and I have to save my mom. I train night and day to become the most powerful dragon I can ever be. My heart was bleeding on the day Lizardo told me that King Alexandrix ordered my dad's execution on the following day that I escaped from the dragon kingdom. The executor hung my dad in front of the palace ground. I felt so helpless because I can't save my father, and I blame myself because of my stupidity. My father died; if I have only controlled my mind power on the tournament, maybe my family is still complete.

Before Lizardo left to go back to the capital, he handed me a box, and I realized I got another present from him, it is a beautiful dress, and for the first time, I felt like I am a princess of this wilderness.

"Thank you, Lizardo; I don't know how I am going to repay your kindness towards me through all these years." I said as I looked at the beautiful dress on my hand, and it feels like I am one of the court's ladies.

"You are welcome, Winona, it was nothing, until now I can't forgive myself for deluding your father, I was the reason he was imprisoned at the palace prison after his father's death, I was blinded by that time, and I made him believed I would never forsake and betray him. Still, King Alexandrix promised me to become the leader of his dragon armies once I can turn over Emeric to him. It was one of the biggest regrets that I have in my entire life. At least protecting you feels like somehow I can redeem myself from the mistake I have committed.

"You don't have a choice that time, Lizardo, and don't worry, I am sure my father understands, and he already forgives you before he died." I said.

"I hope so, Winona. I will leave now and remember everything that I had told you when you got out from this cave later." He said, and I nodded, then he got out from our living room. I went to my room and undressed my knee-length tunic, and I put on the new dress. And I can't believe it was made of a luxe fabric that only wealthy and noblewomen will wear. It is a colorful sleeveless dress that came to the floor, and it has rich embroidery.

"Wow! You looked so beautiful, Winona." Tac said the moment I get out of my room, and I smiled at her.

"Thank you, Tac." I said.

"Are you now ready?" She asked, and I nodded. As we get out from the bottom part of the cave, which serves as our primary home, I can't stop my heart's rapid beating. After seven years of waiting, I can finally see the sun and the outside world. We walk, and I am panting by the time we reach the opening of the cave; I can feel the fresh air, and I can't stop myself from feeling so happy that at last, I see the natural beauty of the forest. I can feel the raw air tickles my skin, and I love watching some animals running on the ground while birds fly in the sky. The big trees remind me we are still in Dasos.

I wonder why witches and dragons are afraid to get inside this place, and I never asked my mom and dad about it. Well, at least I feel safe from my enemies. I strolled, and I picked up some flowers along the way, and I am humming a witch song that I can't remember the lyrics. I continue to roam around the forest carrying my basket since I was looking for some herbs when I was stunned that an arrow almost hit me, and I am just thankful for my training with Lizardo that I move my head just on time. I caught the shaft of the arrow with my right hand as my basket fell to the ground.

I suddenly felt nervous and run to the nearest tree to cover myself from the coming danger, and I hate to think that this is my first time getting outside, yet they already found me. I was on high alert as I scan the area looking for my enemy who tried to kill me with an arrow, and then I saw a man with a hood on his head carrying the bow in his hand as if he was looking for his arrow and I couldn't contain my anger that he almost killed me. I can't tell if he was a human or a wizard, and I don't know if humans have access to this dangerous place. But some beings from the mortal realm came to Thesirea because they fell in love with the mages, and the mages ask permission from our king.

King Julius is a kind-hearted king sometimes, but I hate him for abandoning my mother, and he never negotiates with the Dragon Lord to set my mom free. I try my best to assess him if he was an enemy or not, but judging by his posture and clothing, I can tell he is just a hunter.

"Are you looking for this?" I asked angrily, and when he moved closer to me and looked at me in the eyes, I realized I am face to face to the most handsome man I have ever seen. Even though I haven't seen anyone for seven years, I could tell his beauty is the epitome of perfection, and I can see he has a perfect body build suitable to be a knight.

"Yes!" He replied, smiling at me as if nothing happened.

"I think you need to apologize to me, young man." I said, and he laughs, and his laugher is like music in my ears, but I still hate him for he almost killed me.

"My lady, I am not young, and I am just wondering why do I need to apologize to you?" He asked, and I furrowed my eyebrow.

"You almost hit me with your arrow!" I hollered, and I can tell he was shocked by what I have said and raised his eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, and before I can reply to him, another batch of arrows showered on us, and I realized he was not the one who shot me the arrow.