My Girlfriend

Kaiden's POV

I became more frustrated because I haven't seen Ana for three weeks now. Every after my training, I left the Palace in haste, and I go to Dasos forest without missing a day because I want to see her, but she didn't come to our meeting place, and I wonder how angry her father was. Maybe Ana's family found out about her visiting the capital, but I never lost my hope, and I wouldn't say I like it because I only have little time left before the search for the Crown Princess of Dracousia Kingdom. I try to finish my training early every day because I am eager to meet her again, but Ana is nowhere to be found. I searched Thesirea and the entire Dasos forest, but I couldn't find her.

"Where are you, Ana?" I whispered in the air as I looked at the beauty of the Dracousia Kingdom at night. I am on too of the palace roof, watching the mesmerizing lights of the Dracousia capital. I used to go out with Prince Lucas at this hour, and I know he is upset with me now because I always say no to his invitation. After all, I always left the palace after our training and stayed in the forest of Dasos until evening, hoping Ana will come.

"Wow, you change your venue now; I didn't realize you are hiding all the time here on the rooftop of the palace." Prince Lucas said the moment he found me.

"Is everything alright, Prince Kaiden? I can tell something is bothering you because you are so focusing on defeating me and all the other dragon shifters during our training, and I can say you are always in a hurry, and right now, you are hiding here instead of spending your time with me at the pub." He said, and I let out a heavy sigh.

"I haven't seen her for almost three weeks now after we spent time at the Thesirea Kingdom capital. And I am so worried because she saw her family on that day, and maybe her father saw her with me." I said, and he is studying my face.

"This is bad; you got it bad for the witch with no magic. You should be careful with your heart, Prince Kai, the tournament is fast approaching, and there is nothing you can do to stop your father. It would help if you stayed at the palace during the entire event because that is the order of the Dragon King." Prince Lucas declared.

"I know about that, Prince Lucas, that is why I need to see her before the competition, and I will make an excuse that I couldn't see her for the coming six months because I need to work in a faraway place, and I will come back after six months, and maybe I can visit her from time to time," I said, and I saw him shook his head.

"I am sure your father will check on you from time to time, so you better not risk your chance to be with your girl. You know your father. What if your father will capture your girlfriend?" He asked.

"She is not my girlfriend yet, but I will make her mine the moment I meet her again," I said confidently.

"Well, good luck with that. I am excited to meet this witch, and she intrigued me because this is the first time you act this way towards a girl." He responded.

"For me, she is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, and I guess one of these days, I will introduce you to Ana," I said, beaming at my best friend.

"You are really in love, Prince Kaiden. I can see it in your eyes, and you look so happy just mentioning her name." He declared.

"I know I am, and I only have little time to spend with her. Even though we only meet twice, I know what I feel towards her, and I can tell she is my mate." I said, and my best friend's eyes got so big.

"Oh, no, Prince Kaiden, you can't say that; what are you going to do with your father, and how about the tournament?" Prince Lucas asked, and I shook my head.

"Well, this tournament is my father's idea; I will do everything to be with Ana," I replied, and Prince Luca's face fell.

"Don't say that Prince Kaiden, you can never run away from us, and from your responsibility as the future king of this world, we need you as our king in the future once your father steps down from the throne." He said, and I felt so sad because I know I have to fulfill my destiny, and the only option I have is to bring Ana to the human world, and I can visit her from time to time.

There is no way I am going to give up my love for Ana. I never felt this way to anyone. And there are ways to change the kingdom's laws by making amendments and issuing a decree, and I can only do that once I become a king. I will do everything I can to capture the Dragon Witch because that is the only way I will become a king. I can amend the law that the Dragon shifter can marry the witch in the Thesirea Kingdom, and I will command King Julius to do the same with his law about marriage between Thesireans and Dracousians because I know he is a lenient king. And he will always be afraid of the Dragon King.

"I know, Prince Lucas; I think I need your help," I said, and he looked at me with confusion on his face.

"What do you want me to do, my prince?" He asked.

"I need you to come with me; during the tournament, I need to escape from here and search the Dragon Witch," I said.

"I thought you've got that covered; why you suddenly asked for my help?" He asked.

"Because I am helpless, I don't have a damn clue where to find her," I said honestly, and he beamed at me.

"Wow! So, the mighty Crown Prince of Dracousia needs my help now, and I am honored, Prince Kaiden." He said, and I know he is teasing me because I am always proud in front of him; never in my life I let Prince Lucas see my vulnerable side but right now, because of Ana, I am willing to beg for his help because I know he is also a tracker, and a mighty dragon shifter one of the best dragons in our kingdom that is why we became best friends.

"Thank you, Prince Lucas; this means a lot to me," I said, and he smiled and tapped my shoulder.

"You are welcome, Prince Kaiden; besides, you know, I am always willing to serve and protect you with my life. You are not only my best friend, but you are also my future king that what makes you unique." He declared, and we both laugh, then he left me on the roof, and I wasted no time. I teleport to my room and sleep early.

The moment my training was over the following day, I teleport to Dasos forest quickly. The wilderness is still the same; I can only hear the sound of animals around the entire place. I walked around hoping I will see her again, if not only because of my training with Prince Lucas, I want to stay here day and night, so I will not miss my chance of seeing Ana again. As usual, she is nowhere in sight, and I miss watching Ana with her basket in her hands. And I wonder what I should do to see her again. My steps are heavy as I walked towards her favorite tree, and when I am standing in front of the heart tree, I make a wish, and when I shoved the leaves aside and peeked inside her favorite place, I couldn't believe what I see.

Ana is lying on the ground, and she looks so beautiful, and I can't stop the racing of my heart that I don't care if I wake her up by the sound of my heavy footsteps. And I can see the surprise looked on her face, and I felt so happy that I couldn't stop myself from walking fast towards her.

I thought I was hallucinating, or am I sleepwalking? And I asked her to tell me I am not dreaming as of the moment, and I was staring at her beautiful face intently, and when I cupped her face, I realized I wasn't dreaming at all. I didn't let Ana finish her words because I can't stop myself from capturing her half-opened mouth, and I kissed her hungrily, and I put my strong arms around her tiny waist, and I grabbed her closer to me without breaking our kiss.

I know she was confused about what to do first, but I guide her mouth, and I found her kissing me back like she had been doing it for a long time, and I don't want to stop kissing Ana. She tasted so sweet, and she let out a soft moan when I slithered my tongue inside her mouth. It drives me crazy, and I can't stop myself from sucking and licking her sweet tongue, and I couldn't get enough with Ana. I can feel different sensations, and it feels so good when she curled her arms around my neck as I continue claiming her mouth.

I thought I would never see Ana again, I missed her so much, and there are many things I want to tell her, but kissing her is the most important thing right now. I don't want to stop claiming her tasty lips, but we need to talk. I stopped kissing her, and I caressed her face with my warm hand.

"You kissed me? But why? Do friends need to kiss this way?" She asked, and her question made me smile, and I realized how naive and innocent my girl is, and I became more in love with her.

I told her I kissed her because I like her to be my girlfriend, and I remind her that friends don't kiss on the lips, and I felt like I am on cloud nine when she told me she liked me too, even though I know it by the way she kissed me back, it feels so sweet coming from her lips. I captured her lips again, and this time, I kissed her passionately, and I can tell Ana's moaning can be heard outside our secret place, but I don't care anymore because I am more focused on the sweet emotions that I feel.

All I want right now is to kiss her until I make her lips swollen from our hot kiss. I didn't notice that we fell to the ground, and I have her on top of me, and I can't hide my arousal from her, and I can see her face is blushing, but what can I do? I am a dragon shifter, and I felt so hot right now making out with my hot girlfriend. And I am glad it didn't stop Ana from kissing me back, and I realized our kiss became more intense, and I want us to talk, but I know we can talk later, and I can't speak while her hands are all over me, and it feels so good having Ana in my arms, and I felt so happy that she is now my girlfriend.