Prince Kaiden’s Identity

Winona's POV

I get up on first light, and I can feel the heaviness of my head because of my lack of sleep. I keep on turning on my bed because I was dreaming about Kai. And I only dreamed about him last night, and I suddenly felt nervous, and I hope he was doing fine in the human world. I take a bath early, and I dried my hair by using my witch magic, and I put on the beautiful red satin strapless gown bought by Lizardo for me for screening purposes, and I wonder how I am going to face the Crown Prince of Dracousia.

I don't want to wake up Tac because she is soundly sleeping, but I don't want to leave without saying goodbye to her and Lizardo.

"Tac, wake up," I said, and she stretched her four limbs before she opens her eyes, and when she found me standing at the side of the bed, she immediately jumped on my arms, and I carried her on my chest.

"I need to go now, Tac." I declared.