I Promised

Kaiden's POV

"Hey, you need to relax, Prince Kaiden." Prince Lucas said when he couldn't take it anymore, I was pacing back and forth inside my room while sighing now and then.

"How can I relax when I don't even know if she is okay? I have seen her deep wounds, Prince Lucas, and we both know how poisonous the fangs and claws of the three-headed wolves are, and judging by her injuries, Ana got it bad." I replied.

"Don't worry, Dea told us to come back to her bed-chamber after two hours more or less." He responded.

"Yeah, I know, but I am so worried about her too. What if she will get caught because of me?" I asked.

"I know Dea, and she will not commit unless she can't make it. Besides, she is a mage." He said.

"Yeah, but I am going to tell you this since I know I can trust you, and you will never share this information with a single soul; Dea is half-fairy and half-mage." I declared, and my best friend's mouth hangs open.