Official First Date-Part 1

Winona's POV

I still couldn't believe that I will find prince Kaiden inside the carriage, and And I can't contain my happiness. And I sweetly smiled at him, but before I can speak, he captured my mouth as our coachman started to move our vehicle. I kissed him back with urgency, and I realized how much I miss him. I haven't seen him since the day of my punishment. I love kissing him until we become out of breath.

"Prince Kaiden, how could you come with me? Are you sure about this? What if your father will find out that we are going together to the capital? You know how he hates me, and I don't want you to be punished because of me." I declare, and he laughed.

"Is there anything funny about what I said?" I asked him, and he looked at me with an intense gaze that made me feel weak on my knees.