The Golden Scales

Kaiden's POV

I know I made my father angry because I didn't report to him right away, and instead of going to the throne hall, I sent my wife into our bed-chamber.

"Do you know what you have done?" My wife asked me, and I caressed her face, and I kissed her lips before talking.

"Yeah, I know, but I don't care anymore. What my father had done to you was unforgivable, and right now, you will be my priority." I said, and her sweet smile warms my heart.

"You should go to the throne hall now before his armies come and get you, don't let king Alexandrix waits for you. Your father's patience is limited, and we still need to find my mom. We can't let his anger ruin our chance of saving my mom." Winona said, and my face softened.