Loving The Dragon Witch

Kaiden's POV

I scanned the entire area where I found her, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I knew that she had so many abilities, Winona could trick me any time she wanted, and if she was my enemy, I should be on my guard now. But even though I promised my father to bring Winona's heart to him, even if she is not my wife, I couldn't do it, and how can I pull out someone's heart as an offering to my wicked father.

It would be unfair, and I can't take it; besides, I am willing to defend the Dracousia kingdom from the enemies like the green dragon shifters, but not from innocent beings like my Winona. I know she is somewhere hiding from me. I don't know what to tell her, and it feels so devastating that she is my wife, but I don't have any recollections about her. And I felt so nervous about what she would say to me that I couldn't even identify her as my wife. I know I will hurt her feelings, but I am still desperate to know her once again.