The Black Dragon

Winona's POV

"Hey, don't worry, my love, our son, will be fine; we cannot deny that he is stronger than any of us." My husband said as he tried to soothe me, but no matter how he used his calming power on me, my heart remained restless as I thought about our son and the possible danger he was facing.

"I think we should leave the human world now since we don't have business here. I admit I enjoyed this world so much, and I hated myself that I had forgotten our world." I declared as I looked at my husband, and I felt so glad he was nodding his head.

"You are right, my love; we should return to Dracousia now; I am sure our son was there." He responded.

The journey back to our kingdom was not fun anymore because I couldn't afford to smile, knowing our son was missing.

And we were shocked when we arrived, and Lizardo told us everything that had happened.