3.My Precious Treasure

[[3.My Precious Treasure]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]

With Paulo being Jasmine and Julie's closest relatives, he had been able to easily take the sisters in. Now as their legal Gaurdian, Paulo, extending to Kara, were to be responsible of Jasmine and Julie's future until they reach the legal age of 18. So that means that Jasmine and Julie's education, housing, food, actions, would be watched over by them.

[A/N: WTF! I was looking for Philippine's legal age and I just found out that 12 was the current age of consent?!]

And currently, the siblings were in Paulo and Kara's master bedroom. Said couple were currently in the living room, discussing about what they were to do with Jasmine and Julie. They were in their mid-20s, with high paying jobs, but still no children. They didn't have any experience raising them, so they felt a bit overwhelmed with having to suddenly now have to raise two children. Still, they wouldn't just ignore the two, so they had to properly plan and think on what they should do.


Later on, Jasmine was slowly waking up. Though she was fatigued from staying up all night, doing her best to keep her sister safe, all hungry and tired, she had somehow woken up first.

Then, though still groggy and sleepy, hands still wrapped tightly around her sister, she began to look around. The room was unfamiliar, but she remembers bits and pieces of when her aunt had taken them into this room, so she shouldn't worry much. And she didn't, especially when she saw a picture frame with her aunt Kara and uncle Paulo in it.

Letting her head fall back into the pillow, she began to gently rub her little sister's back. "Julie..." She whispers as she looked at her little sister intently. The death of their parents were still fresh in her mind, and she also felt like she had a nightmare, but she forgot about it, and if she did, she wouldn't cry like she usually would. She couldn't cry, because not only would it wake her little sister up, but it felt like something in her would break. Jasmine couldn't let that happen. Not for herself, and especially not for her precious little treasure.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[3rd Person's POV]][[5 Years/2011]]

Jasmine, now 12 years old, and is currently in 9th Grade in Saint Louis University Laboratory High School, a university that had used to he separated based on gender, and had recently merged and had become a co-ed!

[A/N: The K to 12 curriculum started in 2012, so before that, Pilipino students usually only required 10 years of basic education before going straight into collage. Also, I can't find when SLU Boy's High and Girl's High merged, but I found an article posted on 2005 saying that it was around 3 years earlier than the date mentioned.]

Of course, being the youngest in the school, while also having unique features, Jasmine was sure to be the target of bullying, however, it didn't take long for the students to find out in the hard way about why they shouldn't do such a thing. Though she was the youngest there, it didn't mean that she was weak. Having taken Martial Arts/Taekwondo classes since young in the name of her younger sister's safety, and having pushed herself to go past her limits, she was able to stand her ground against her bullies.

Even if the Philippines was recognized to be a friendly country, teenagers are teenagers, so they make dumb decisions, like making fun of Jasmine's different colored eyes, age, and hair. So, in the end, Jasmine was quite feared in the school, and the teachers let the students fear her, to teach them a lesson about bullying and such, and not only that, they let Jasmine roam scott-free because she was practically every teachers favorite students. Though they don't really partake in favoritism, one would definitely like the tame, helpful, smart and cute student over the unruly ones.

However, back to Jasmine, she was growing up rather well. Paulo and Kara had been marvelous gaurdians, having done their best to provide for her and Julie.

Though, in reality, Jasmine was actually mentally unstable. Hearing your parents screams as they were burned, the smell of their flesh being cooked, the sight of them getting burned to death...it was just something that no one shouldn't be able to see at such a young age. And it broke Jasmine. It broke her to the point that she matured differently. Unstable, yet stable, different, horrifying, unpredictable....Jasmine was a monster in sheep's clothing, and everyone was ignorant of this.

And now, 12 years old and an mentally unstable prodigy, Jasmine was sure that she was getting closer in paving a path for her sister's future.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[3rd Person's POV]][[5 Years/2016]]

Jasmine, now age 17, was quite happy with her current progress. Not only was she a 9th Degree/9th Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo -for 7 years, she had trained like a pervert/masochist, going past her bodily limits a lot of times for this-[A/N: Ethan Comer is the youngest kid to have a 1st degree black belt], but she was rising fast in Jujutsu, too, thanks to some of her experience in Taekwondo. But Taekwondo didn't give much advantage to the other Martial Art since Taekwondo was more on kicking combinations while Jujutsu was about subduing the opponent or aggressor. Other than the Martial Arts, Jasmine was quite proud in receiving her Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. She had once thought that, since technology was starting to improve and evolve, taking advantage of it to make her and Julie's life easier was something that she should do.

However, the achievement she was most proud of was how she helped with her little sistervs growth! Currently 14 years old, Julie was at the top of her class, had become very cute, had a lot of female friends -Jasmine had scared off any males, since, no offense to others, she didn't want any of them getting any ideas about her little sister-, was very kind and helpful, and is practical a good girl over all!

Growing up, Julie had quite the wonderful childhood thanks to Jasmine, with her being guided through her academics, being spoiled a lot by her big sister and her aunt and uncle -but mostly by Jasmine-, and never having received any harm or anything negative!

Bullies that had tried anything with her had gotten into "accidents", no matter the age, ranging from suddenly having diarrhea, to broken bones. No men had ever gotten even 2 meters close to her consciously -no men had gotten close to her intentionally-. And no women had ever said anything bad to the girl who would obviously look better than them in the future!

Yes, Julie definitely had marvelous childhood, even with the lack of parents, who she missed but didn't think much off.


[A/N: I found out about a lot of things this chap, the age of consent being the most surprising.

Anyway, next chap would be the road to adulthood for both of them, and then a road to somewhere else!

As I have said, this would be focusing around HoloEN, since they are the group I understand the most. If I understood Japanese or Indonesian, then surely, I could give more attention to HoloID and HoloJP, but sadly, learning new languages is quite hard.]