6.My Little Wifey

[[6.My Little Wifey]]

[[Jasmine's POV]]

I really didn't know what to think of my current situation. It was too...unbelievable. This person in front of me, who I think to be a Succubus, was doing some magic shit. Everything looked too much...magical for this to be an elaborate prank, or something our current technology could do.

This mystical happening, it was something you couldn't make heads or tails of with the use of common logic. And I don't intend to do so eight now.

Making sure that I didn't grip my card blade too tightly, I cussed a bit since I didn't have any of my more durable knives. My purse was too small to hide any of them, sadly.

"Such an interesting little thing~! I'll enjoy~ this~! I definitely will~!" Then, as she spoke, she discraded her cloak, and for a moment, I was awed by her unnatural beauty.

[Image Here]

But, even when I wanted to look more and drool over her beauty, and definitely fuck her, she was still dangerous. And this only made her image of her being a Succubus become more real in my mind.

Asking questions would have been something I would have done, to get a clue about what was going on, but I felt that this person would just be unreasonable.

Too bad that we had such a wide gap from each other, since if we were closer, I would have a much better chance of making a quick attack. So, since we had such a distance between us, I didn't wait for her to do anything as I slowly made my way towards her.

With my pepper spray in my right hand, and my card knife in my dominant hand, I made sure to lessen the tensions in my muscles to give me more flexibility, in case she suddenly attacks, or worse, uses magic that I wouldn't understand.

As I slowly crept closer, she said something that stunned me so much a froze in place. "Oho~? You're approaching me~? Instead of running away~, you're~ coming right to~ me~?"

'Like....what the fuck?! Did she just...fucking quote Dio? Fuck! Even though I didn't watch any Jojo anime, the meme was too good to be understood just by Jojo fans!' It was just so surprising to hear that come out from her mouth in a situation such as this, but a light bulb suddenly lit up in my head.

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." I replied to her, and fortunately, it went the way I had just hoped. She, just like me, became surprised, and I immediately took advantage of this and leapt!

Thanks to Taekwondo, my lower body was my most powerful feature, so I was able to leap quite far and quite quick, so I was immediately in front of the succubus, and I had quickly kneed her in the stomach. I had expected, through different panicked speculation and theories, that she would be a harder opponent, and it just proved that one of my theories were true with how much harder her skin felt. However, fortunately enough, I was able to damage her with my attack as she folded forward a bit with a surprised expression.

Afterwards, when I landed on my foot, I quickly balanced myself and hit her chin with my palm, causing her to look up and groan in pain. I was about to attack again, but she recovered and grabbed my leg that was still stuck to her stomach.

However, I quickly reacted and went to stab her, but she grabbed my wrist before the knife could get an inch close to her eye. Though I didn't stop at that. With both of her occupied, I quickly aimed the pepper spray at her and  pressed on it, making it spray out its harmful contents.

"Fuck!" She exclaims, and due to the pain, she let go of her hold on me, so I was able to put a distance between us.

"Shit! Th-tha-Ah!! That actually hu-*cough*-hurts!! *Cough*!" The woman/succubus began to cough and actually retch. [A/N: Pepper Spray, even by just smelling it, is quite painful. Coming from first hand experience as a dumb kid testing it out in the bedroom, just smelling the spray can cause you to have a coughing fit.]

Seeing my chance, I quickly lunged forward. Though I don't completely know what was going on still, I felt that this woman/succubus was just too dangerous. And I can't afford for anything to happen to me, because if something happened to me, who would protect my precious little sister?

And so, empowered by thoughts of ny sister, I made sure to attack without mercy. Then, as my knife got closer to her chest, I let out a dumbfounded "Eh?" as my wrist had, once again, been grabbed and stopped mere inches away from my target.

"Kukukuku~! I'm such a great actress~! You fell for that didn't you~? Ahaha~! You fell for it~! Hahaha~!" For some reason, the succubus/woman was laughing, like I hadn't sprayed her with a pepper spray.

"If I were a normal Succubus, that would have worked~. Too bad °I'm~° the one you're fighting~. Though I have to commend you for your effort~. Not only can you~ resist most of my charm~, but also fight~! Humans usually just get weakened by my charm~, or not fight me because I'm a "woman"~. Though, all I've dealt with until now were male and not so special~. Maybe all I really needed was a human female's fair touch~!" As she spoke, she circled around me with a casual walk, seemingly not caring that I was pointing a knife at her. But, thinking about it now, if she's able to easily shake away the pepper spray, then maybe a simple knife wouldn't do much to her.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Julie's POV]]

Today was a saturday, which meant I was free from school! I would have used this free time to go out with my girl friends -just normal female friends-, but Jasmine wasn't going to come with me. Since young, after mommy and daddy died, who which I sadly didn't remember much of, but still loved thanks to stories Jasmine told me about them!

Anyway, I was a bit annoyed that Jasmine-onee-sama, that she wasn't here with me. I never, ever, went out of the house without her with me, other than if it were planned, scheduled or something that she'd be sure I'll be safe at, like going to school! I know Jasmine-onee-sama is super overprotective of me, and I could easily tell that it was because mommy and daddy dying when we were so young. Through the stories, common sense, and may other things, I could speculate that she was overprotective because of what had happened in the past.

If I'm honest, I was a bit annoyed that she was technically controlling my life, but everything she does had always been for my health and safety. Never had she done something that had overly upset me, and had always made sure to keep me happy!

And actually, she doesn't smother me with all this excessive love, and I quite like it. I love how she pampers me, I love how Jasmine-onee-sama would spoil me, I just....love everything she does to me!

Jasmine-onee-sama was just so...wonderful! And I was always happy whenever she playfully calls me her "little wifey".


[A/N: Meh. Next chap would have more magic involved.

A POV of Julie's is now here. A bit short, but I plan to delve deeper into her personality.

Anyway, hopefully I could add more next chap.]