14.Showing My Daughter The Wonders Of VTubers!

[[14.Showing My Daughter The Wonders Of VTubers!]]

[[Jasmine's POV]]

The moment I gained my consciousness back, I was able to instantly notice someone hugging me tightly. For a moment, I thought it was Lilith or some girl I just fucked and was about to grope their butts, but thankfully, memories of last night came crashing down in my head!

Quickly wrenching my hand away from my daughter's bottom, I mentally scolded myself for nearly doing something that would have traumatized the poor girl for life!

Anyway, after that bout with myself, I had thought about going to the kitchen and cooking...breakfast? I went to check the time first and...yep, it's morning. I thought about making breakfast, but I don't want Marinette to wake up without me beside her. Plus, I was still sleepy anyway.

Welp, back to sleep I guess...


Since I was more aware of surroundings since I woke up, I easily noticed Marinette stirring. The little girl was trying to stretch, letting out an adorable moan as she did so.

I giggled, which immediately made Marinette to open her eyes in panick. Then, looking at her with the softest expression I could muster, I whispered, "Good morning, Marinette..."

The initial panick in her eyes disappeared, and her gaze softened. Afterwards, she replied in a soft voice, "Good morning...mo-...", but she cut herself off. Knowing what she wanted to say, or rather, wasn't able to say, I just smiled as stroked her hair.

"You can just call me Jasmine." I'm sure that she'll have a hard time accepting me as her new mother, and even if she did, calling me her "Mother" might be something she would never do. Which I'm fine with. I was the same with aunt Kara, and 'til this day, I have only called her "Mommy" only once, and that was long, long ago.

"Mmm.... Good morning, Ja-Jasmine...." Unconsciously, as she gave me her greeting, she nuzzled into my breasts in embarrassment. I giggled myself, finding her actions absolutely cute! She resembled Julie when she was younger, even, and I thought no one would ever be as cute as my little sister! It turns out that someone °was° able to contend with Julie's cuteness!

"Fufufuf~. Since you are now awake, I'll now cook us breakfast! Excuse me for a bit, darling." I gently tried to pry myself away from her embrace, and after getting the idea, with an embarrassed expression, she pulled her hands away from me, letting me get up.

"You can lie down for a bit more. But you'll need to shower! We both slept in our clothes from yesterday, so we're quite stinky now. The bathroom's right over there, so you can take a bath whenever you want to. I'll just take a quick shower in the other bathroom." Having said that, I hoped I didn't overstep my boundaries as Marinette's new mother by suddenly kissing her on her forehead. Fortunately for me, she just blushed, making me giggle for the third time.


After I helped Marinette set up her new room, I didn't know what to do, other than treat her like how I treat my little sister, without being too much and smother her.

So, throughout the day, I pampered my daughter, and she received them all with a shy smile! God she is just too cute!

But, though I wanted to keep doting on the young girl and telling her about what she'd expect here in the Philippines, I still had a job to do for my little sister! But before that....

"Have you heard of VTubers, Mari?" I asked her while using her nickname. She said that it was how most people used to call her, well, how Marinette wanted her friends to call her as, but they used to have their own pet name for her. However, the way how she told me that...it raised some flags in my head.

I knew that she was bullied by her old friends, but I didn't know to what extent.

However, bad thoughts aren't acceptable right now.

"N-no. What are they?" The look of confusion just told me that she needed to be "educated" in this wonderful subject!

Opening my laptop, I waited for it to boot up while making small talk with my daughter. And, when it was all ready, I searched for Shiranui Flare.

"VTubers, short for Virtual YouTubers, are streamers using virtual characters instead of their 'real' faces. It adds to their charm and ups the fantasy and imagination factor. Here, this is Shiranui Flare, Shairanui's the last name by that way, it's the Japanese format, and she's an half-elf." I informed her while telling her what most humans knew about VTubers right now. And I also used Flare since she's kind and extremely humble, someone who'd hopefully be a good introduction to VTubers and Hololive to Marinette.

Usada Pekora would have been a fun choice, too, but I don't want Marinette watching someone so....bratty and haughty.

"They speak in Japanese, but they have a speech-to-text-auto-translater that works for viewers out of their language." I, then, give the laptop with her, and I just smiled as I saw how she marveled at Flare's "model". Then, since I now have her distracted, I began to work on Julie's BGM, having to call for people whose going to help me make them. Though I consider myself quite talented and a fast learner, my skills in Taekwondo, Jujutsu, and now in proper knife-combat, being my evidence, I hadn't really made any progress in any instruments, since I haven't actively tried to learn any of them.

Fortunately, I have a -according to Julie- heavenly voice, and hopefully, I would be able to use it on my little sister's BGM, even if it was just a hum. Now, back to the topic, I waited for my PC to boot up while I was calling for the guy that's going to help me out. And, while the line was ringing, I took a glance at Marinette and smiled as she seemed to be taken by Flora's greetings before her stream!

Seeing her like this, I can't wait for her and Julie to meet! They will surely be too cute for me to handle, but it would all be worth it in the end!


[A/N: Some interactions between Julie and Marinette will be on the next chap, and more on Julie's transformation! Thankfully, Jasmine had yet to start on Julie's avatar!

Anyway, so....[Lila Bashing], or [Lila Redemption]?

And, should Jasmine meet one of the HoloEN Myth's members before they deput?]