16.A Sinful Angel

[[16.A Sinful Angel]]

[[Julie's POV]]

I have to admit. Marinette was...unexpected. Looking at her, with my newly acquired ability to see a person's soul, I just couldn't deny that she was a good person. Heck! She's even a better person than I am! While my soul was like the moon, Marinette was the sun!

[A/N: If the meaning gets lost to you, basically, Julie is a good girl only because of Jasmine. As the sun only "shines" due to it reflecting the sunlight, it's the current description I'm using for this scenario. Without the sun, we would be able to see the moon, even with ultra-powered lighting equipment, probably.]

And seeing how much light Marinette's soul radiates, she's like, an ultra-super good person! Of course, I could see darkness in her soul, but it wasn't the kind where it was corrupted or hidden evil. Rather, she didn't have any indications of being evil! The dark parts of her soul actually tells me about her sadness! The dark patches were small, but it was enough to make me realize that the younger girl was hurt!

Then, letting go of my ability, I was now able to see Marinette normally. Now without her soul practically blinding me, I was able to observe her features, and it just all pointed out that of a cute, kind girl type of thing!

'It seems that I overreacted.' I tell myself that as my view on Marinette started to better. If her soul was as bright as it was, it just meant that she was a genuinely good person that could do no harm! Well, she °can°, but she wouldn't do it just because she can. Actually, she probably wouldn't even do it when forced to! Maybe she'll just hurt someone when they super-duper deserve it, or they really, really, °really°, need to get hurt.

"Marinette, dear, this little, mannerless, kid is Carlos. -Say 'Hi!', Carlos." When I was deep in thought, Jasmine-onee-sama, started to introduce us to her daughter and my...niece? Anyway, I'll worry about Marinette being my niece or little sister later. For now, 'How in Kami's name did Jasmine-onee-sama turn from that hot, seductive onee-sama with her velvety onee-sama voice, to an even hotter MILF with a calm and mother, yet still overly sexy voice!!!'

As I was internally panicking, Carlos and the rest began to introduce themselves.

"Hello! I'm Carlos! Big sister Jasmine's little brother!" I heard Carlos greet Marinette, but I was still too shocked to care.

"Oy(!). Carlos(!). Mind your manners(!). Sorry about that, anak(kid), my son's just...too hy-?..hyper(!) at times. -And nice to meet you! Ako si(-I am-) Paulo Sulivan, Jasmine's foster father, but you can call, 'Uncle Paulo'! It's great to finally meet ang aming(-adopted-) adopted na apo!

(-grandchild!-)" The next to introduce themself was daddy, but, yeah, I was still a mess in the head.

"Mm. Like my asawa(-husband-) said, it is great to finally meet our adopted apo!(-grandchild!). Welcome to the family. And, I, am Kara Sulivan. You can call me, 'Auntie Kara', if you want. Or even Lola!(-Grandma!-) And this little one here, ito si(-this is-) Justin, ang aming bunsong anak na babae.(our youngest daughter.)" Then the last one to introduce themselves were mommy and Justin, and through it all, I faintly heard Jasmine-onee-sama translating the Tagalog words into something Marinette could understand.

Then, it suddenly got quite. For the moment, when my panick had slowly disappeared and turned into acceptance for Jasmien-onee-sama's new and sexier voice, I looked around. Soon, I noticed everyone looking at me and I understood I was embarrassing myself in front of Marinette.

"*Cough*(Kuuhf!) Yeah, sorry about that. I'm Julie, Jasmine-o-...Jasmine's little sister. And I'm technically your aunt. But, really, just call me Julie. And don't treat me so differently from your friends in your age group, since I'm only 2 or 1 year older than you..... That's going to be so weird." Though I had a late start, I was able to properly introduce myself, and I even got my...neice, to laugh! And, I have to be honest, it's quite cute!

[A/N: Is there such thing as a niececon?]

Moments later, after quickly ending her bell-like laugh, Marinette calmed down and smiled at us before making her own introduction.

"Eets...agréable-...-nice to meet you ahll. I ahm Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Jahsmine-mahman's la fille-...-daughtair." With a voice so sweet and warm, it was just easy to like this girl. And, really, her accent was loveable, too!

But, of course, no one would ever beat my onee-sama in terms of...well...everything!! And now, as an Angel, a °real°, Angel, I get to live for eternity, and experience °everything° Jasmine-onee-sama has to offer!

Also, I'll need to tell Jasmine-onee-sama how I'm now an Angel! I'm really grateful that Gabriel-sama allowed me to reveal all this to my onee-sama!

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Jasmine's POV]]

After Marinette's meeting with my foster family, we went to SM to buy some groceries. The  food stock I had was nearly depleted, since it used to be all for myself. But now that I had to feed my daughter, too, the stock barely lasted the week. So, I used the opportunity of us going out together to buy more food and stuff! Then, when we finished buying the needed groceries, we put them in my car before going back to the mall and roaming the place, looking for things my precious daughter needed and wanted.

And, since Marinette was starting to get her passion for designing and fashion back, we went to look at clothes at, well, the clothing departments in SM. Unfortunately, SM didn't have any fabric stores, but the clothing departments helped Marinette with her imagination for a bit. Afterwards, we went look for just...stuff. Alarm clocks, more comfortable bed sheets and pillows that Marinette liked -she was now getting embarrassed with having to sleep with me-, new cute mugs and plates, and then, being the awesome mother that I am, I doted on her by buying her high-quality items for her designing that would hopefully help her out!

Of course, being the lovable little bean that she was, she tried to refuse it, stating that she was fine with the simple things. But I couldn't have that! Marinette deserves the best life has to offer her! Just like my little sister, Carlos, Justin, aunt Kara, uncle Paulo, and some other people out there! Just...I'll be the one giving the best to my daughter!

And, well, anyway, I convinced her and we continued our shopping spree. It would sure put a dent on my credit, but having a bout with some sexy, female CEO or something is all I'll need to fix that up, or killing some more bastards undeserving of my little sister's and daughter's attention!

Speaking of which, after we finished shopping, we got back home, I cooked us an early dinner, watched Minato Aqua's stream on my laptop that conveniently popped up while we ate -The TV had the news on, but it's volume was decreased enough where we could barely hear it-, and slept after Aqua's stream ended after roughly around 2 hours, which meant we slept on 9 P.M.

Well, actually, only Marinette was the one got knocked out. As a succubus, I didn't need to sleep as much as humans do, so I kept abusing that advantage ever since I get properly turned into one. And, thankfully, but unfortunately, Marinette was now sleeping in her own room, so I was able to leave the house.

After I had re-set my magic barriers and alarms around my condo unit, I left to go killing the bastards who even dared to greedily take my precious daughter's oxygen -=they got too close to her and was sniffing her scent-.

Then, after that, I was now back in my condo unit, getting back some 70,000 thousand pesos, at 2 in the morning, and practing some of the new Magic Spells in the Grimoire Lilith gave me! And, really, I'm quite invested in learning about making a duplicate of myself and Teleportation!


[A/N: A Timeskip, some fluff, and hopefully some progression in VTubers and Hololive on the next chap. Don't expect for all to be in it though.

[Lila Bashing] and [Chloe Redemption] hopefully to come!]