18.Julie: The Angel Of Love!

[[18.Julie: The Angel Of Love!]]

[[Julie's POV]]

"Gooo~~oooddd~~~ Morning~! Afternoon~! Evening~! To~~ eveee~~ry~~one~~!!!(Good morning! Afternoon! Evening! To everyone!)" I excitedly greeted my current 500+, and growing, viewers, who were all replying their own greetings!

"Well~, would you look at that~! I'm getting so many viewers~! However!! I'll give a proper greeting later! For now, since my onee-sama had told me to wait for some time before we start the proper greetings, let's start with some normal ones~~!"

__/__/__/[[Timeskip: 10 Minutes]]

As I eyed my current viewers, which had now reach over 1.5k, I felt a bit glad, and it fortunately alleviated some of my nervousness!

"Okayokayokaaa~~yyy~!! Ti~~me~~ is~~ up~~!! Let's finally get started~ with my introduction~~!!(Okay okay okay!! Time is up!! Let's finally get started with my introduction!!)" I waved my arms as my background had changed to a sheet for my profile with categories that I'll answer later on! There were some doodling around it, made my little niece, which were cute Angel wings! She knew that I was a VTuber, so since she was good at drawing, she helped out a bit. Though, of course, I hadn't told her yet that I was an actual angel.

"First up~! Wait, let me get my drawing~...monitor~...!" Rummaging around my desk, I soon found what I was looking for and connected it to the PC. I took a glance at chat while I fixed my setup and saw how a lot were still marveling at my smooth "3D Model" and how it was the same with Hololive and the other VTuber Agency. They also shared their thoughts about how my team was doing a good job with everything! Well, technically, the only person in my team was Jasmine-onee-sama.

She was doing all this by herself actually. Managing my streams, the chat -she didn't want me to waste my time on spammers and trools.-, the music...and...a lot actually...that she didn't to watch over.... Yeah...Jasmine-onee-sama was just doing a lot of things by herself.

"Got it! Okay~, okay~! For those who didn't know yet, I am Julie Ann!" I wrote my name on the [Name] part of the sheet on the background, and I saw how some were thanking me for letting them, the newcomers, know. And, of course, since I now wrote my name on the sheet, the new viewers would know!

"A~nd~, I'm an Angel! Actually, I wa~s~ Human, but recently turned into an Angel to spread lo~ve through my wonderful streams~! So, I am Julie! The Angel of Love, at your service~!" I greeted my viewers once again, glad that I had yet to see anyone misbehave.

"As for my age~~...let's just say that I was a young teenager when I was changed~!" While telling them that, I added what I had said to the necessary categories. My [Species] was Angel, while my age was just written as "Teens".

"And, ya~be~(Oh no).... I missed my nickname~! Let's roll back, let's roll back!" It seems that I got a bit excited, since I had missed the [Nickname] portion of the profile. I know that I didn't have to follow the order, but I just wanted. And, it seems that chat liked my little mistake and my "Ya~be~" moment.

"*Cough(Ku-hum)* Okay~! Every~one~! You can call me...Julie-chan! And Ju-chi for short! The 'chan' and 'chi' honorifics are quite important, o~~kaayyy~~? I won't answer to you when you don't add it! I'll consider it a sin!" Writing the aftermentioned nicknames on their places, I smiled as the chat was now filled with my nicknames and their own suggestions.

"Heh~~! I see a lot of nicknames that I like, but chi~~! I can't use them~!" At my "Chi", I made an X with my arms.

"Maybe in the future, but Manager-onee-sama wants things to go on schedule and follow what she had planned for the stream! I can't change it! Sorry viewers!" After I said that, I went to check on chat and I immediately got mad! They were cursing my onee-sama!

"Hey! No cursing and bad things in my stream, Chat! I won't let you do anything sinful! I'll ban you! Not only from my chat, but also from Heaven! Only for a limited time, though!" Telling them that, I made sure to put on my most fearsome face! Which wasn't hard, since they were cursing Jasmine-onee-sama!

"And definitely no slander against my onee-sama! That's the ultimate sin! If you ever do anything bad against my onee-sama, I'll personally send you all to Hell!" I was furious about how they were hating on my onee-sama so much, but I quickly calmed down, since I am feeling quite forgiving right now.

"Sorry about getting angry~! Talking bad about my onee-sama is just a biii~~iiggg~~ no~-no~!" After that, the chat was immediately filled with different kinds of messages. Some things about being...smitten?, smitted?, smoten?, then me being an absolutely adorable angel, a bit about me falling, then, I saw a lot of "Incest?" in different styles and stuff being spammed. To be honest, I'm going to give these viewers a free pass or something for having the right idea.

"Why~ do~n't~ we~ go back on our final part of the Profile! So~... Height! Actually, I'm the same as your average Filipina! Which, if you didn't know, is 4 feet and 10 inches!" I informed the chat, both of my height and my country. I had asked my onee-sama about this earlier, and she said that it was fine, especially since she had set up a pretty good defense against people who wanted to find out about my identity. And as long as I don't give anything that would directly lead to my civilian-self, then all will be fine.

Also, just as expected, my, now, 5k viewers were talking about my height and country. But mostly about me being a Filipina(Filipino woman), and the rest being about my height. The chat, then, was filled with greetings from fellow Filipinos, some inquiries about my country, and some questions that were too personal.

"Ooh~! With that done, let's get to my Hobbies, Goals, and Talents!"


The stream had gone for a while now. Currently, we were just speaking about random subjects.

I had three small boxes, two which were my profiles, while the last one was about my streaming plans!

The second Profile Box had my [Hobbies] as: Spending time with onee-sama, being doted on and pampered by onee-sama, going on walks with onee-sama, eating onee-sama's cooking, cooking for onee-sama, spreading love -semi-true-, watching anime, reading fan-fictions and novels, watching movies, playing with my foster siblings, and watching onee-sama.

The [Hobbies] section definitely got me a lot of "Yuri-Incest" spams in the chat, which I didn't stop. And, also, this was my way of being bold and giving Jasmine-onee-sama a massive hint!

Then, [Goals]...well...it got chaotic. Let's just say that publicly saying that I wanted to marry my older sister can bring out the lewd demons out of everyone. I...actually didn't know why I added it, it was a "Heat of the moment" thing. But, surely, Jasmine-onee-sama wouldn't miss that....

[A/N: She totally forgot that her niece was watching her stream. Currently, Marinette's being a confused cinnamon roll!]

And, as for [Talents], well, I just added "Cooking", "Being a Good Wife to my Onee-sama" and "Being Smart", because, honestly, other than cooking, I had no other talents.

However, currently, I was suddenly reminded about something when someone pointed out my outfit!

"Oooh~! Thanks for reminding me! Yeah! See my outfit! It's great, right!?" Since I wanted to show just how much I love my little niece's creation, I decided to showcase it here on my stream.

[Image Here]

[A/N:Image is not mine.]

Looking at chat, I can't help but be a little bit smug about how the were marveling at my outfit's design, how great it was put together and how it greatly fitted my "model". Also, I felt more proud about my niece!

"Hehehehe! This outfit was actually by my niece! But, it's actually weird to call her that because she's not that much younger than me." Having intentionally letting out that info, I waited for a bit before chat was filled with questions. Seeing this, I just smiled and eyed the timer in the corner of my desk.

'Nearly an hour, huh.' Finding out that I have been streaming for nearly an hour, I suddenly realized just how much time I took just speaking with my viewers.

"Anyway! Sorry to go off, but my Superior need me! Byeeeee~~~" And just like that, I ended my stream, at 13k viewers, deliberately leaving them without a chance to protest. It was kind of a bad move, but Jasmine-onee-sama reassured me that it would all be alright.


[A/N: The next debut will be Minhe!

After that, Marinette!

Then, finally some HoloMyth and probably an angry MILF!

BTW, does anyone else here drink coffee before they sleep?]