20.Nettie: The Miraculous LadyTuber!

[[20.Nettie: The Miraculous LadyTuber!]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]

Jasmine didn't really think this through. She really didn't think about how her daughter and sister would react with her Succubus form.

But, thankfully, the discussion between the three of them went well. Her identity as the Succubi Princess, Julie being the Angel of Love, and Marinette, Paris's former Hero, it was all discussed about and everything went okay. However, that's a matter that may or may not be mentioned in the future.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Marinette's POV]]

Looking at my current viewers, 1.9 thousand in total, I felt a bit nervous.

Me becoming an VTuber was....something I just thought of doing. Not because it was my new dream, or something I imagined that be my full-time job, becoming a Fashion Designer is still my dream. Just that...VTubers just made me...a little bit more happy.

Of course, it didn't explicitly mean that VTubers are the only ones that could bring joy to their viewers. Normal YouTubers can still do the same. Just...VTube-ing is an interesting thing...and...maybe it's because I want to have fun while still being a Hero. To have fun while I'm still Ladybug!

I...I know I can't save everyone in the world....but maybe...in my own selfish and hopeful mind, maybe, just maybe, I could save more people by becoming a YouTuber. To save the people I couldn't reach. To save those who were like me. Depressed, emotionally hurt, tired and suicidal.

I want to become just like the people who could post a speech online and somehow give people enough hope to save themselves.

"Take a deep breath, darling. Take a deep breath." Beside me, maman spoke up as she placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. Moving my gaze to her, I immediately felt calmer because of her soft smile and gentle aura. I really still can't believe that my gentle and adorable maman is a Succubus.

"I'll be here, right beside you." With a reassuring smile, she, then, flashed and had taken on her Succubus form. Seeing her, I felt something inside me. It wasn't really bad, per se, just...different.

"I'm...good. I'm...fine! I can do this! I, Miraculous Ladybug, have faced countless of Akumas, teenage angst, a childhood rival, bullies and unreasonable adults! A live stream shouldn't be a problem!" Encouraging myself was the only thing I could do at that moment, and it honestly helped me out. However, what maman said next made me revert to my old self.

"Nettie. You didn't mute the stream." Hearing maman say this, I quickly went to look at my stream, and the chat was filled with "laughter".

"Eep!" Feeling embarrassment take over me, I yelped as I quickly went to mute my stream, ignoring how the chat started to type out their amusement.

"Hahaha. You're just so cute, aren't you, darling?"


After a some time since that fiasco, I finally gathered enough courage to move on. Clicking some stuff on the keyboard, I soon revealed my and maman's "avatar's".

[Image Here]

[A/N: Image is not mine. Art by WADAKO.]

Immediately after, the chat just exploded! It was a bit hard to read the comments, but I was able to make out that it was mostly about how cute I was, some were saying I resembled someone, and obviously, a lot were about my maman. Of course, I wasn't jealous that maman was receiving so much attention. I mean, she did just break 3 Guinness World Records on the same day, one where she passed BTS in their 101,100,000 views in 24 hours, with maman's views on her stream reaching 3,091,924,101 views in 24 hours. The second was having 1,272,129,026 viewers in her live stream, with the previous record being 2,468,668, and the third was having 4,111,600,490 subscribers, with the previous record being 14.1 million.

"Hmm~. What is this I see~? It seems some naughty people are ignoring my daughter~! That's not good! That's no good at all! It seems I need to punish a lot for ignoring my precious angel!" Suddenly, while I was in deep thought, maman spoke in a cold tone. Moments later, there were practically no mentions about my maman in the chat. Seeing this, I wanted to laugh! In the end, I just giggled.

"Sorry about that everyone. Maman can just be quite overprotective. Anyway, it's nice to meet you all!" Bowing my head a bit to apologize for my maman's overprotectiveness, I soon greeted the viewers.

The chat was quickly filled with their own greetings, and the current viewers from 400 thousand was quickly rising know number! There were some that were speaking about maman, newcomers, most likely, but they were quickly shushed by the earlier viewers.

However, among the comments, there were some that spoke in French, all frantically asking me the question I was dreading a bit. But I already decided on what I had to do.

"Anyway, thank you all for coming to my stream. And, as you all know, this woman beside me is Minhe Venery, and she's my adoptive mother in real life! Say 'Hi!' to her everyone!" Then, once I introduced maman and allowed them to speak to her, the chat had turned into a blur with all their greetings.

Maman, for her part, was a bit annoyed, and had quickly made it known. "Hmph. Nettie, you don't have to introduce me. Actually, just focus on your stream. I'll punish those who'll ignore you."

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Chl??'s POV]]

"I'm seeing a lot of Parisians in the chat! Well, to make things clear...Hello, everyone. Actually, my 'model' isn't 'made-up', but it's actually based on who I was. Many may not know me, but actually, before all this, I was quite famous in Paris! In truth, I am Miraculous Ladybug, Paris's former Hero! And now, I'm a VTuber, but being a 'normal' YouTuber should be more accurate. But, anyway, yes, I am Miraculous Ladybug, a retired teen akuma fighting Hero, now moving onto streaming to become a different kind of Hero! One that could reach out to people around the world and give them hope through my streams!"

I watched, listened, and observed. It was...hard to believe. Ladybug...who had disappeared for 2 months after Hawkmoth's, Gabriel Agreste's, defeat, was now a VTuber currently live streaming.

It was just...unbelievable. And not only that, seeing her now...it just gave me heartbreak. I don't exactly know why. She had saved me, Paris, °everyone°, a multitude of times, but I just feel so...heart broken deep inside whenever I see her. I have my speculations, but for some reason, I just can't see why!

From her fluffy, denin-blue hair in pigtails, mesmerizing sapphire eyes, her warm, kind, and gentle aura, her soft face, her stature...it reminds me of someone. Of someone who gives me heartbreak.

"Lila! Why didn't you tell us Ladybug's now a VTuber! This is so cool! She even has a new outfit!" My musing, was then, suddenly broken by a familiar obnoxious voice. Alya was still the little shit that she was.

"U-uh...ah! It's because Ladybug didn't want to let anyone know yet! She wanted it to be a surprise! Being a VTuber, that is!" Then, a more disgusting voice, a sickly sweet one, answered the little shit's question. Liela was still the stupid lier that she was.

Sighing to myself, I started to feel the beginning of a headache. I was truly unlucky for stumbling upon them in this park.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Still Chloé's POV]]

I was sure now. I was sure that I was somehow a retard for not noticing all the signs! Ladybug was Marinette! Even her stage name is Nettie, pretty close to Mari°nette°! And not only that, her second Profile just gave me all the clues I needed to find her.


[Hobbies]: Cooking for my maman, Watching other VTubers with my maman, Designing outfits, Trying out clothes, Doodling outfits, Baking, Baking for Maman, Stargazing, Listening to Jagged Stone's music, Playing video games, Saving People, Spending time with my aunt, who isn't that older than me, which is weird, and others...

[Talents]: Time-management, Baking, Designing, Hero-ing, and a lot more, 'cause I forgot about them...

[Skills]: Hero-ing, Baking, Designing, Drawing, Swinging from building to building with my magic yo-yo, Saving the day, Not giving up, Saving people, Stitching, Babysitting, and a lot more that I also forgot...

[Dislikes]: Failing, Liars, Bullies,

Cat Noir flirting with me -still can't believe people thought we were a couple, and still do after I publicly rejected the notion.-, Being called Bugaboo, Idea of going to prison or jails, Horror & Thriller Movies, Ghouls, Ghosts, Being forced to kiss -that's just a no-no-, Bullies, My maman mad, and a lot more!

[Likes]: My maman(Love), My aunt(Love), My maman's foster family(Love), My biological family(Love), Fashion, Arts & Crafts, Video Games, Hamsters, Music -especially from Jagged Stone-, Listening to music when sketching a new design, Stargazing, Console Games, Trying new powers, Writing, VTubers, and some more!...

[Goals]: Give hope to the people who are deep into their sadness, like I have. To save the depressed, the lonely, the sad, the suicidal, the unnoticed, the minority! To save as much as I can, not only through my streams, but also in real life!


Just...reading her Profile....it just gave me a reason...a reason to confront my fears, my regrets,...my mistakes.

Gripping my phone tightly, I gave myself a moment to take a deep breath. Then, with the feeling of determination filling my body, I °moved°!

"Wait for me...my Fairy..."


[A/N: And...done! I'm finished with the debuts! Next up, HoloMyth and some Chloé and Marinette confrontation!

I'll also find a way for some [Lila Bashing] and Liela being rightfully in jail for all her lies!

BTW, what are you charged for faking your friendship with a celebrity and using their status as celebrities? Defamation?

Is it considered impersonation?

I'm trying to look it up, but Google's giving me something else.]